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List of abroad opportunities, specialized services, Business opportunities


GRID PARITY PV ITALY – WE ARE LOOKING FOR LAND PLOTS TO BUILD GRID PARITY PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATIONS : IBS will provide for all the bureaucratic procedure, from the submission of the documents to the issuance of the Autorizzazione Unica ( authorization ). There are already agreements with the investors ready to buy the Authorizations once they have been completed . The size of the installations starts from 5 MW and can go till 50 MW or more . The investors are also interested in buying ready to build Authorizations .


ITALY : We look for photovoltaic systems already connected to the grid, both ground installations and tracking installations or bus shelters for buyers ready to buy. Requirements: power exceeding 900 Kw and no adiacency problems which may cause the suspension of incentives after GSE visit. If you are interested here the data to be supplied in a first phase: precise Name SPV of the company at the head of which stands the GSE contract; precise power of the installation; precise geographical location of the installation. Contact us
ITALY : we look for concessions in Italy both eolic and photovoltaic in order to build installations of 10 – 20 MW or more power. Contact us
POLAND : for other buyers we look for concessions within the photovoltaic field in Poland starting form 1 MW. Contact us
INSTALLATIONS AND ABROAD PROJECTS : for investors and buyers we look for installations with incentives linked to the grid in established abroad countries. Moreover interesting are the projects for building photovoltaic and eolic parks which have authorizations already to build and tariff with state body. Contact us

We report infrastructure / construction works to be carried out in non-EU countries. Contact us

We supply turnkey food farming chains, milk-meat, tomato, chickens, greenhouses, etc.

Trade structures at income in the market. Contact us
We look for heaven earth in Milan with active rent for investor. Contact us
We seek for investors for interesting real estate development projects with a potential manager already available. Contact us.


- Country Profile and articles about Macro-economy, Geopolitics, Cross Culture

- Desks of IBS foreign Network, Services and Opportunities

- Consultancy offer for Service companies, Institutions, Trade Associations

- Bruxelles ICE Agency Newsletter and Opportunities

- Missions and Fairs abroad, and Buyers and Traders Incoming in Italy

- Discover the Promotions for the Membership to the Pandora B2B Platform to directly contact Foreign Clients, Distributors, Suppliers

- Financed training, Export & Internationalization, Foreign markets Check-up, through Interbranch Equal Funding

- Tax Credit and Training by Decree 145 on the University funding


- Table of Contents and Requirements to start an Import – Export business
- Finding a trading Partner, advantages of a Broker, Business agent, Distributors
- Trading operations abroad and participation to Fairs
- Main Documents to be used in Foreign Trade
- Customs tariff and Duties
- Methods of delivery of goods, delivery Times, Quality, Shipments, Incoterms
- Methods of Payment and Debt collection
- Essentials of electronic commerce
- Import – Export sector-specific rules for Food, Cosmetics, Jewellery, Textile

- Incoterms 2010
- Essentials of the Origin of Goods
- Preferential Origin arrangements of the European Union
- Advantages of AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Approved Exporter Status
- Customs glossary, useful vocabulary for a correct communication with Customs
- Free Download – Customs Area

- Free Download – International Taxation Area

- Essentials of International Contracts
- Ordinary Justice or Arbitration / ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
- Free Download – Legal Area

- Management of the operations of Documentary Credit and International Bank Guarantees
- SACE, Export Credit Agency to ensure credits and to protect Investment
- OCSE – OECD Credit Risk Map
- Free Download – Export Credit Risk from OECD

- Essentials of Logistics and Transport

- Business Model Canvas and other Strategy Tools for drawing up the Business Plan
- Essentials of Business Planning, in the Export and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
- Free Download – Examples of simplified Business Plan


- Business opportunities in Foreign Markets and Countries, through projects, Joint Ventures, Contract notices, Tenders
- Opportunities for investors in the framework of financial investment projects and in special projects

- Requested Buyers, Importers, Distributors for Food and Beverage products from UE – EXTRA UE Countries
- Download IBS TRADING Food & Beverage Catalogue
- Requested Food and Beverage products for EXPORT
- Beef Carcass Evaluation through EUROP International System
- Organic Argan oil Certified by USDA, ECOCERT and cosmetic products
- Iranian and Moroccan saffron

- HALAL certification, food allowed in the Arab world according to the Islamic rite

- Crisis or disaster management and immediate Humanitarian actions

- Firewood
- Pallet: its role in the Export, from the packaging, to the goods and machinery storage, to the merchandise transport in the foreign international trade
- Pellets

- Bio-construction and Environmentally-friendly Building, White Home project, “custom-made houses”, antiseismic, environmentally-friendly and intelligent housing solutions
- Used earth-moving machinery, vehicles and goods from leasing-returns or auctions

- Coaching as a solution for personal and professional success

- Summary of the Services for Hotels and Accommodation and methods of provision

Country Profile Morocco

Marocco Scheda Paese - Country Profile


Country Code: (204), MA
Capital: Rabat
Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Total Area: 710.850 km²
Population: 33 million
Time Zone: UTC +0 (UTC+1 in summer)
Currency: Moroccan diraham, MAD
Languages: Moroccan Arabic and Amazigh (official), French, Spanish and English
GDP: 835 billion MAD (2012), about 75 billion EUR
GDP (per Capita): 25,681MAD (2012), about 2,300 EUR
HDI: 4.9% growth (in the last five years)
Distribution of GDP (2011): 12.7% Agriculture, 28.1% Manufacturing, 59.2% services, 1.3% Inflation rate (2012)


In the last 10 years Morocco moved with the time and became a really attractive country for investors:
- Solid Macroeconomics Bases
- Government Development Plans to improve Manufacturing, Agriculture and Services and to support the Private Sector
- Infrastructures as Development Axis
- Stable and Safe Country
- Ideal position to serve Europe, Africa and Americas
- Competitive Labour Cost
- Free Trade Agreements
- Advantageous Contest for Business
- Direct Involvement of the Governmental Institutions
- Interesting Subsidies for Investors
- Free Zone Areas – Solid Bank System

Morocco combines four determining factors of strategic appeal and long term for investors

• Ideal position to serve Europe, Africa and Americas
• Competitive Labour Cost
• Free Trade Agreements with access to about 1 billion of users (Europe, Africa, Nord America)
• Advantageous Contest for Business


Moroccan Government has set the development of the foreign investments as absolutely priority in order to serve the local market as well as Europe, Africa and Nord America:

• Direct Involvement of the Government to attract and support Foreign Investors
• Interesting ways of subsidies for investors, including co-financing the big projects (CAPEX; areas, trainings…)
• Free Zone Areas, with administrative, fiscal and social benefits
• Solid Bank System, which includes the local Businesses who are improving their presence internationally through a high presence in Africa

Free Trade Zone accordi libero scambio marocco

International Infrastructures

For about 10 years Morocco has been launching programs to improve their own infrastructures internationally. In 2007 the Tangeri Med harbour has been launched. This harbour can contain 3 million containers. The streets and the highways, as well as the railways and the airports, are going to follow a plan of innovation and extension. From an industrial and logistic point of view, the integrated platforms and free economic zones have been improved. A free economic zone will be in Casablanca and from there the Moroccan economy could be relaunched, making easier the logistic and the international exchanges in comparison to Tangeri.


Open a company in MOROCCO is extremely easy. Due to the easy commercial and social laws, all the folders are centralized in the INVESTORS REGIONAL CENTERS; the most common type of company in MOROCCO is the SARL and the similar SA. SARL can be for a single member (SARL AU) or for more members. Other types of company, such as LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS or JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES, are uncommon.
Joint Ventures or Economic Interest Groups are going to be build in case of investment or relevant projects. The type of company depends on the type of activity, investment and the credit line. A minimal capital for the SARL and the SALR AU doesn’t exist any more. So the investment for the begin is minimum. According to Art.46 modified from the law no. 24-10, the capital of the LLC is decided from the members during the draft of the Statute; the social capital is divided into social part with equal nominal value. The social statutes state the subdivision of the social parts.

Negative Certificate :

After having decided the sector and the type for the company, the company needs a name and the first step is to obtain a negative certificate, a document that states that there are no other companies with the same name. This document can be obtained from a regional center for the investment, connected to the Moroccan Office for Industrial and Commercial propriety.

The Statute

Regarding to the Statute, it is recommended to extend the social object of your investment as more as possible.

WHICH ADDED VALUE CAN IBS International Business Strategy GIVE IN MOROCCO ?

IBS has an operation headquarter in Morocco, Moroc Business Strategies SARL. This means that we can give you all the informations you need about this country and more specialized services listed underneath. More over, thanks to our Logistic Department, we can organize the creation of a Commercial and Distributive Network direct in this country:

• Market Research • Entrepreneurial Opportunities
• Customers and/or Suppliers Research
• Business Consultancy
• Legal Information
• Customs Consultancy
• Bureaucratic Procedures
• Business Organization and Strategy
• Business Creation and Management
• Accounting Consultancy
• Goods Transfert
• Shipping Logistics
• Assisted Marketing and Finance in Morocco
• Business Planning
• Specialist Reporting
• Information about the Bank and Financial System

Morocco Business Strategies

Maroc Business Strategies Morocco Marocco mappa 2


- The exportation of goods from Italy or EU countries to Morocco.
- The exportation of goods from Morocco to Italy and/or EU countries with which Morocco has signed preferential agreements on the free movement of goods and services.

- Market research, feasibility studies of exports or FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) initiatives in Morocco.
- Search for partners, customers, suppliers, and scouting of business opportunities.
- Launch and promotion of a brand in Morocco, strategic marketing and marketing plans.
- Creation of a local office or of a showroom for the promotion of goods and services in Morocco, either in our own commercial areas or in commercial areas we manage through local partners.

- Customs, fiscal, legal and accounting support services for export and FDI activities.
- Processing of bureaucratic procedures to create a local office or to make an FDI.
- Business planning.
- Search for tenders and assistance in the presentation of a project and obtaining financing.
- Search for state incentives or funds via the EU’s European Neighbourhood Policy agreements, grants, assistance for facilitated financing for Morocco.
- Industry specialists headhunting.
- Assistance with banking or finance operations where it is important to have the support of a local bank in Morocco.
- Search for private financiers.

- Business strategy.
- Outsourced sales management in Morocco.
- Human resource organisation, Human resource policies, payroll, labour law.

- Processing of the transfer of goods, logistics, and shipping.
- Creation of a direct MBS sales and distribution network in the country.
- Support to logistics operators who are willing to create a logistics hub for the distribution of goods in Morocco.


- Red algae, green algae, sea cucumbers, tuna, sardines, mackerel.
- Craft products (e.g. leather, terracotta, other).
- Phosphates and their derivatives.
- USDA and ECOCERT certified organic argan oil.
- Pellets.
- Agricultural products (Moroccan olive oil, olives, tomatoes for the agricultural-food industry, pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, saffron threads).


Morocco is a country whose economic, financial, banking and political systems are stable; it is the natural gateway to the African continent, the MENA countries (Middle East, North Africa) and Sub-Saharan Africa. For several years, Morocco has seen a constant increase in the GDP and GDP per capita and the middle class now includes parts of population who were once below the poverty threshold. The GDP growth forecasts for the following years are positive and not less than 5% per year, for at least the next 5-6 years. Therefore, the country is considered extremely interesting by the EU, the USA and Asian countries.
The European Union has a preferential free-trade agreement with Morocco which is currently in force, resulting in the removal of customs duties and barriers to entry for the EU member states. Morocco has signed similar agreements with the United States and, obviously, with African countries. Thus, the country is also an interesting international logistics hub for the United States and for Asian countries.
Incentives and state financing are provided for businesses which are interested in Morocco; further funding is provided as a result of EU neighbourhood policies or agreements with Development banks. Below you can find a list of some sectors where the number of business opportunities is higher.


abbigliamento e arredamento in marocco

- Designer clothes, popular brands.
- Quality products (e.g. quality doors, window and door frames).
- Leather goods, jewellery, ceramic products, and craft products.


architetti italiani associati in marocco per opere costruzioni e appalti pubblici

- Assistance with the validation of the Italian degree in Architecture or equivalent qualifications in Morocco.
-Enrolment in the national register of architects.
- Support in the start-up stage of business and with the profession at an associated architects’ firm.
- Scouting for professional opportunities: tenders, opportunities in the private construction sector.
Once the file is closed, it will be possible to carry out most of the professional activities from Italy thanks to the Assistance we and the local partners give.


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- Consumables and spare parts for cars.


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- Call centres outsourcing, both inbound and outbound, for Italian businesses by qualified and trained personnel who have excellent telephone conversation and negotiation skills, as well as a perfect command of Italian.


construction ed energia in marocco

- Construction, designing and execution of building works in the civil field and in the public works field in the context of international tenders. At present, in Morocco, there are a significant number of active construction sites everywhere, both in the private and the public sector. The works in the former have the objective of gradually reducing the pockets of poverty, whereas in the latter the government aims to modernise the country and its international connections to foster foreign trade and the strategic role of the country in the development of the African continent.
- For the private investors who wish to invest in real estate, interesting opportunities can be found in the areas of Agadir, Essaouira, Fes, Marrakesh, Tangier.
- Renewable energy and energy saving: PV panels, accumulators and photovoltaic systems, solar panels, wind turbines and biomass heating systems.
- Morocco has set the ambitious goal of producing a 42% of green energy (i.e. energy produced from renewable sources) by 2020. At the moment, the country primarily uses coal and oil, but depends heavily on imports for over 90% of its requirements.
- Therefore, also thanks to the great interest shown by the highest authorities and political officers on the matter, Morocco aims to radically change its energy mix by increasing its renewable energy production capacity by 4000 MWh.
- Gas for domestic use: the distribution of gas for domestic use is a significant issue in Morocco. Indeed, most consumers use gas cylinders both at home and in other industries (restaurant, hospitality).


food and beverage da esportare in marocco

- Good quality water with a low amount of nitrate and dry residue.
- Good quality wines for high-end restaurants, made in Italy, Spain and South America.
- Non-perishable foods, canned foods.
- Halal certified meat (this certification guarantees that the food is prepared in accordance with the Islamic law).
- Different types of food supplements.



- Training for managers in the areas of Human Resources, Logistics, Management Control.
- For the catering industry and for hi-end hospitality services: training and subsequent auditing by an Italian Certification Authority in order to eliminate all non-conformance and danger for consumers or guests of contracting viruses or bacteria because of methods or procedures of handling of foods and beverages which do not comply with HACCP requirements nor with the Italian UNI 10854 regulations.


idraulica e rubinetteria di qualita marocco

- Quality taps, fittings and accessories.


cliniche private consumabili ospedalieri in marocco

In the hospital sector, considering the transformation which the healthcare system is undergoing, passing from a 100% public system to a mixed system open to private investment and management of hospital units, there is a high demand for hospital consumables, medical equipment, analytical and medical devices (including hi-tech items). Here are some examples:
- Cytology and preparation: microbiology kits, powders, reagents, stains, histopathology kits.
- Disposables and gloves: cassettes for biopsies and embedding, Lab markers, biopsy sponges, disposable gloves.
- Reagents and products for histology.
- Vaginal and nasal specula.
- Disposable latex pressure infusion bags.
- Products for sutures and dressings.
- Microscope cover slides and cover slips.
- Needles and needle holders.
- Disinfection and sterilisation products.
- Bags.
- Operating room shoes, shoes for medical and paramedical personnel.
- Scrub top and trousers.
- Disposable sterile surgical gowns.
- Safety glasses and medical face shields.
- Diagnostic products and devices.
- Medical equipment for general and specialised surgery.
- Digital devices, hardware components, and hospital information systems, cameras, monitors, printers.
- Stainless steel medical furniture, operating room accessories, operating room tables, and medical trolleys.


produzione televisiva HD spot corsi operatori audio video in marocco

- Training services via highly qualified personnel specialised in audio and video production for TV networks.
- Courses for audio and video operators, sound and microphone technicians, film editors, stage electricians.
- TV commercial production, mobile control rooms.
All of the above-mentioned services are offered by an Italian company which operates in the audio and video production industry.


antipirateria navale protezione cantieri scorta armata

- Advanced technologies supplied by an Italian company which operates in the military sector. This company also provides embedded systems and turnkey platforms for the telecommunication and military industries.
- Naval anti-piracy services by highly trained personnel who have had important roles in the coordination of military operations in hostile zones.
- Protection of construction sites, buildings and production plants which are located in hot spots or areas subject to popular uprisings or with an ongoing civil war.
- Armed escort for entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, VIPs.



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Micro Credit Project and Human Development in Morocco

Micro credito e sviluppo umano in marocco

Micro Credit Project and Human Development in Morocco

National Initiative for Human Development in Morocco (NIHD)

The National Initiative for Human Development in Morocco comes from a vision of economic and social development gained by the royal family, and was presented by His Majesty King Mohammed VI currently reigning, May 18, 2005. This initiative is thus part of a global vision based on three components objectives:

• political process of consolidation of the modern state: democracy, rule of law, promoting the rights of women and children;
• Reforms and structural projects to generate growth;
• Human development in its economic, social and cultural development, based on the principles of good governance through information, monitoring and accountability.
The initiative is therefore based on a global and integrated vision of social development, the objective of human being, in order to combat the social deficits that continue to afflict society and lay the foundation for a harmonious development between urban and rural.

It also seeks to enhance the action of the State Government and local authorities, without replacing the sectoral programs or plans for economic and social development of local communities.
To this end, provides a potential in additional funding, to support actions to support permanent, able to bring faster results and produce dynamics in human development of appreciable level.

She started as a central priority of economic and social policy of the country in the fight against poverty, social exclusion and precariousness, deciding strategy as a decentralized approach based on geographic targeting the poorest and most disadvantaged groups in society, on the principles of participation of beneficiary populations, strategic planning, collaboration with local stakeholders to ensure greater ownership and feasibility of projects and interventions and their convergence with the sectoral programs.

For the period 2006-2010 (NIHD) will be divided into four programs listed below

The transversal program

The transversal program aims on the one hand, support for projects with significant impact on human development through all the prefectures, prefectures and provinces of the Kingdom of the district, particularly in rural municipalities, the deprived urban areas, according to a procedure call to present driven projects at the provincial or prefectural level and on the other hand, support for job placement by dell’INDH at the regional level for training / capacity building, technical assistance, communication, evaluation, support to the Divisions of action social (DAS) and associations of municipal and district (EAC / Q) and support to associations of micro-credit.

Programme for the fight against insecurity

Piloted at the regional level, the program of fight against insecurity is designed for individuals marginalized and extremely vulnerable with the aim of:

• To encourage as much as possible the family reintegration of excluded people;
• Improve the quality of services offered to associations and public institutions to achieve quality standards that guarantee the respect of human dignity now;
• Build capacity and potential additional host where this is necessary.

The program to combat social exclusion in urban areas

This program involving more than 264 of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods in the big cities, aims to reduce social exclusion and poverty alleviation poorest communities by improving living conditions and strengthen social inclusion. The measures envisaged in this regard dall’INDH are grouped under four headings:

• Support for access to local services and facilities to the urban core (education, health, road, water and sanitation, etc.).
• Development of the local economy for income-generating activities;
• Support action and animation social, cultural and sporting activities;
• Strengthening governance and building local capacity.

The program to combat poverty in rural areas (Rural Tourism Development Project)

The program to combat poverty in rural areas covers 403 rural municipalities among those that have a poverty rate higher than or close to 30%, according to the paper published in poverty in 2004 by the High Commissioner in charge of the Plan (NIHD).

This program aims to improve human development in these communities, particularly through the following actions:

• Support access to basic infrastructure, equipment and basic social services for people in precarious situations (civil society)
• The development of the local economy for income-generating activities and employment;
• The support for the action and animation in social, cultural and sporting activities,
• Capacity building and local potential;
• In additional to the above programs, is provided for the commitment of expenditure to support the agency in support of the program (NIHD).

The analysis in each category must be refined to more accurately determine the needs of people, the degrees of uncertainty and to develop high-performance multi-sectoral programs.
The institutional and regulatory framework that governs the NIHD, innovative and ambitious initiative, is designed to ensure a work placement in accordance with the procedures that ensure transparency, agility and speed, giving a pivotal role to the regional committees, prefectural, county and local, and oriented management for contracting based on the results.

In this regard, about trust management, recipes and expenses pertaining all’INDH fall within the framework of a special account entitled (“Provision of support for the National Human Development”) created by decree, and that the ‘officer is the Prime Minister. Similarly, the mechanisms that ensure the regularity, transparency and speed of execution of the commitment and expenditure have also been provided.

A loan agreement was signed on December 15, 2006 between the Governments of the Kingdom of Morocco and the World Bank. It’s about helping finance dell’INDH in the amount of 78.9 million euros, equivalent to $ 100 million. This Agreement entered into force on 8 febbraio2007. For its part, the European Union has given a gift to Morocco 60 million, in the framework of the National Program from 2007 to 2010 and refinanced until 2020.

Actors interested in the program (NIHD)

Many actors can intervene in the development of the program (NIHD):

Associations and Unions, Elected local, external companies, local authorities, universities, the private sector, technical and financial partners.
Of all the actors mentioned, associations and cooperatives occupy a central place because the funding of projects NIHD must pass by them.

Procedural framework

The organization dell’INDH is based on a set of texts (circulars, ministerial notes of the Minister of the Interior, ordinances, decrees) as well as of 6 procedures manuals dedicated to:
• Procedures of income-generating activities (AGR);
• procedures of the program for the fight against poverty in the rural sector;
• procedures of the program to combat social exclusion in urban areas;
• procedures of the program to combat insecurity
• procedures for “call for projects” of the transversal program, fiduciary procedures.

Assessment methods

The lack of the following tends to penalize the ex-ante evaluation and design have been incorporated specifically by the World Bank:

• Lack of information on project monitoring, operation of infrastructure;
• Lack of information on the impact of the projects;
• Lack of mechanisms that allow recipients to give their opinion on the project, their use and their satisfaction;
• the specific provisions relating to the component of vulnerability is not present;
• the system of advertising, web-based, partially operational;
• the absence of further development of the projects after their completion.

Bodies external evaluation

Independent body established by the head of government and created in 2008, the National Observatory of Human Development (ONDH), has the mission to the permanent analyze and evaluate the impact of human development programs put in place and to propose measures and actions that contribute to the development and placement in work of a national strategy for human development, particularly within the framework of the initiative to the National human Development; the board shall submit annually to the appreciation of His Majesty the King a report on human development.

In addition, the Inspectorate General of Finance, IGF, and the Inspectorate General of territorial administration (IGAT) have been appointed by the government to jointly pursue the external auditing.

Participatory and inclusive processes

Participation is a central axis of the philosophy dell’INDH, his appreciation is however very difficult in the absence of comprehensive assessment available but also because of the many aspects that encompasses: information, training, consultation, taking into account the views, return of results, evaluation of participation, gender, communication, mediation, management of proximity communication with the people, the presenters of projects and in general all the local actors, is an essential element of the participatory process started.

To meet this requirement, communication programs have been assigned to the DAS, which have drawn up plans for local communication. In addition to corporate communication, many communication actions proximity have been put in place, such as, caravans, billboards, leaflets, meetings news, websites, radio and television programs.

Tourism and Micro Credit in Morocco

turismo in marocco e micro credito

Where to create micro enterprise interested in the micro credit

Perspective view of the tourism sector in Morocco


Commitment: “To continue to make tourism a key driver of economic, social and cultural life of Morocco”

The profound and rapid transformation of the country as a whole over the past decade, the solid foundations laid down by the Vision 2010 and the opportunities offered by the new trends in world tourism, providing a source of great ambitions for the next decade based on core values and points of difference:

Authenticity: The Moroccan tourism for decades has chosen the consolidation of its development and positioning of its brand authenticity. This choice has become a real competitive advantage, which differs from its direct competitors engaged in mass tourism. The Vision 2020 would grow a historical choice through a proactive approach to the protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural and natural heritage of the Kingdom.

Diversity: in terms of tourism, the most important comparative advantage of Morocco is its diversity: diversity of territories and landscapes, the diversity of natural resources and ecosystems, the diversity of cultures and influences (African and European). the Vision 2020 promotes diversity through an ambitious program of land use.

Quality: while the development of new capacity remains a strategic goal, the Vision 2020 aims to significantly improve the competitiveness of the possible links of the chain of tourism, in particular: to deepen the culture of service and to develop an irresistible offer.

Sustainability: finally, on the basis of the general guidelines adopted for the entire country, Vision 2020 places sustainable development at the center of his ambitions. Morocco with its resources that have historically been stored in this way has a real and substantial potential for differentiation in a highly competitive perspective.

Ambition: “In 2020, Morocco is among the top 20 destinations around the world and emerge as a reference in the Mediterranean in terms of sustainable development”

Objective: “To double the size of the industry”

Doubling the carrying capacity, with the construction of 200,000 new beds with 150,000 hotels and 50,000 structures similar to provide visitors with a rich and dense tourist experience

As a result, increasing tourist arrivals, doubling market share in key European markets and traditional attracting 1 million tourists from emerging markets.
Also you want to triple the number of domestic travel, with the aim of expanding tourism in the country.
The tendency is to create 470,000 new jobs across the country, and use by the end of the decade, nearly one million Moroccans.

Increase revenue from tourism to 140 billion dirhams in 2020, a cumulative sum in the decade of almost 1 trillion dirhams.
Increased by two percentage points of GDP from tourism than the national GDP bringing it as close to 150 billion dirhams compared to 60 today.

Potential of Rural Tourism

The selection of rural tourism is potentially varied: ecotourism / nature, mountain sports, water tourism, wellness and relaxation.
The Moroccan market is characterized by biological diversity and the richness of flora and fauna, despite the great expansion of arid and desert (93% of the territory), and despite the poverty of many soils. It should be noted, however, that in the face of a wealth of wildlife, many species are endangered. Many sites are characterized by the value of their ecological variety and quality of the landscape. In particular this is the case in mountain areas, coasts and wetlands. The impressive number of species identified in studies largely reflect the current reality and unfortunately, many animal and plant species have disappeared or have become very rare and vulnerable, thus justifying a policy of protection and rational management based on the principle of the evaluation.

The different wealth in natural resources often in danger in Morocco involving the assumption of responsible behavior both nationally and internationally; and imposes a duty to ensure the perpetuation of wealth consists of these as The potential “natural” is very diverse. It includes sites that lend themselves to ‘observation, sightseeing tours, sports and favorable sites for ecotourism development of biological interest.

The natural sites are isolated centers of attraction that tourists visit during a transfer between two successive destination (such as a stop to the landscape Ito, during a trip to Meknes Tafilalt) or while hiking rapids from their place of residence (eg, a visit to Oukaïmeden from Marrakech or Agadir Imouzzer Ida or Tanane).
The scenic tours and discovery relating to famous sites and visits are organized into groups, with driving or renting a 4×4 investigating judge individually. The South Atlas of Morocco, with the valleys of the south side (Dadss, Mgoun, Todrha) Ksours and palm oasis presaharic, rock carvings and dunes are the main attractions that make up the attractions for tourists.

The sports sites are largely confined to the mountains. We distinguish many sites of rock climbing (especially in the High and Anti-Atlas), downhill skiing or cross country skiing (High Atlas of Marrakech region of Ifrane, Bou Iblane) present on websites, exploitable rivers for rafting and canyoning (Central High Atlas and Middle East Atlas), the rivers for sport fishing (especially in the Middle East Atlas) and numerous sinkholes, caves and sinkholes for caving.

The land areas involved

- Méditerranée (Tangier, Tetouan, etc.)
- Centre – North (Fez, Meknes, etc.)
- Oriental (Oujda, Taza)
- Centre (Home, Rabat, Kenitra, El Jadida, etc.)
- Grand Sud (Ouarzazate, Errachidia)
- Centre – South (Marrakech, Beni Mellal)
- Balnéaire South (Agadir, Essaouira, etc.)

EU funds – ENI Program

With a total budget of € 15.433 billion for the program 2014 / 2,120, ENI is the new European Neighbourhood Instrument, which provides EU assistance, aimed at creating a zone of prosperity, between the European Union countries EU and neighboring areas (partner countries), not having any prospect of joining the EU, but with which the EU has launched a neighborhood policy. It replaced the old ENPI.

This financial instrument will focus mainly on promoting human rights and the rule of law; development of a thriving civil society; sustainable and inclusive growth and economic development, social and territorial cohesion; mobilization and contacts, regional integration.

Main elements of the new program are: improved diversification of the support given by adapting the service to the needs and progress of the recipient countries; an incentive-based approach, so as to enable the EU to increase its support to countries that will achieve sustainable democracy and the agreed reforms; improvement of the rules on cross border cooperation programs between EU member states and partner countries, to facilitate their effective implementation and faster, closer links with the EU policies and instruments to enable the beneficiary countries and their citizens to participate Community programs in areas such as research and innovation, youth development of SMEs ect ..

Italian Development Cooperation STATE OF THE ART IN MOROCCO

E ‘was also signed April 9, 2013 a new Intergovernmental Agreement conversion of debt by EUR 15 million, which will fund initiatives under the national program Moroccan human development, conservation of the archaeological heritage and training of health personnel. Major Ongoing funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

- Support for Healthcare network of basic health services in the Province of Settat;
- Government and Society: Program conversion of debt in favor of efforts to combat poverty;
- Agriculture and Fisheries Olive – Olive implemented exploiting the local growers of Tadla-Azilal, regional project for the integrated management of pests in the country of the Middle East;
- Trade and industry: The fight against poverty in rural Morocco through support to micro-credit;
- Multi-sector: “Fund for Program coordination” – financial instruments and technical assistance to promote the continuation of the cooperation activities in Morocco;
- Migration and Development Project-regional consortia to promote development and export;
- Water and sanitation: Italian contribution to the Programme for water supply of the rural population – PAGER sets for the benefit of future generations. The operation guide is probably the most direct way to ensure recovery and therefore the conservation of these resources, as long as it is done with care.


On August 29, 2014 came into force the new Law “Rules General on international cooperation for development” (Law August 11, 2014 no. 125).
Council after 27 years by the old law governing the matter (Law 49/1987), Law 125/2014 defines the subjects, instruments, methods of intervention and reference standards based on changes acquired over the years in the international community, while allowing an adjustment of the Italian system of development cooperation models prevelanti partener in the countries of the EU.

The Interministerial Committee for Development Cooperation (CICS), consisting of departments involved in the subject matter of cooperative activities will be at the center of the new governance structure of the system and ensure coherence and cooperation coordianamento policy. Under the law now in force, the objectives of the new cooperation will focus on:

• Eradication of Poverty
• reducing inequalities
• affirmation of human rights and dignity of individuals
• conflict prevention
• support to peace-making

The objectives will be detailed and specified by the adoption of a document three years of planning and policy, approved by the Council of Ministers, after obtaining the opinion of the competent parliamentary committees, by March 31 of each year.

Law 125/2014 also defines a new management structure, providing for the birth of the Italian Cooperation for Development which will enhance existing skills and attract new ones, allowing also to grapple with how best innovative partnerships that exist today not normatively compatible with the existing set.

Integrated Development Project

In view of the foregoing, we believe that the possible intervention strategy can be considered in the integration, the project called Micro Credit and a developable project and in support thereof, and framed as supporting human development, such as continuity of action , framed in the funds available in the program (NIHD). You may also be (if compatible) pinpoints the invitation Community-sector cooperation on which to present the project as an additional funding request. Here then, we indicate the possible forms which could be based on the project development:

Module 1

Analysis of the impact of micro finance in Morocco
• The object of analysis, that the individual or family that enjoys the program of micro-credit;
• Randomness. One of the central problems of the impact analysis is to understand to what extent the observed changes in the client’s life can really be attributed to micro-finance program. This raises the question of determining the causal relationships between the variables considered. In order to solve this problem we must consider the question of the fungibility of credit, or the difficulty in determining by whom and in what manner is actually used credit, how much, and how much in fuel consumption for productive activities;
• Indicators. The indicators should have characteristics that make them available and easily applicable. They must also be easy to understand the interviewee, reliable, robust, sensitive, and must be applied at low cost;
• The measurement of income, which covers an important part in the evaluation of the condition of poverty;
• Evaluation of poverty: there are different ways to measure the level of poverty, but the most used are the visual indicators of poverty, ie those based on the quality of the house (House Index), or definitions and classifications given by the community (Participatory Wealth Ranking ) are tools used by many institutions as a starting point to define the level of poverty of potential customers. Two other very useful tools are often used in the impact assessment: indices of women’s empowerment and Exit Analysis; first need to look at what effect access to credit has had on the status of women and on gender relations, the second is a study of the reasons that lead customers to abandon the program for information on how to improve the work of the institutions .

Module 2

Development of a comprehensive system of micro-finance, with additional services needed, run by the Postal Bank Al Barid Bank
• Work to raise awareness and communication of services offered to beneficiaries;
• Diversification of financial products (examples: Social Work);
• Introduction of the service of Micro credit (loans individual and collective);
• Financial education customers;
• Support and advice for clients with low levels of education;
• Approach-oriented banked for financial inclusion and social satisfaction of social needs in emergencies and development of micro-entrepreneurship.

Module 3

Develop initiatives of micro entrepreneurship
• Development of training programs targeted to the acquisition of skills, administrative and fiscal management and also in the cooperative sector;
• Implementation of the development of micro-enterprise in the territory of Morocco including partnerships between non-profit organizations Moroccan and Italian in the areas identified by the program (NIHD).

Module 4

Areas of development of micro entrepreneurship
• Rural tourism, marine, cultural;
• Manufacturing Production craft;
• Agri-food production and sustainable organic;
• Service port for recreational boating;
• Services in the field of logistics.

Module 5

Promotion: Communication and Marketing
• Development of audio-visual and multimedia aimed at social communication, guidance, training, business development;
• Creation of commercial websites;
• Advertising campaigns;
• Themed Events.

Module 6

Monitoring of the project implementation
- Publication of the results during and after




Author: Diego Caballero Vélez

The Arab Spring of 2010 that started at Tahir Square in Cairo and is spread around the entire Arab world represents a cultural, social and economic impact for the countries of Middle East and North Africa.
With the Arab Spring, the speculation about the economic situation of the North Africa countries grows because of the series of social protests producing radical changes in the governments.

The economic outlook changes producing a major fear in international enterprises for investing in this region, but currently, is it still being a not very good region to export?

First of all, we must make differences between the different Arab countries of the region. Meanwhile Algeria and Libya are economies based on one only sector: hydrocarbon exportation; Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia base their economies on diverse sectors: manufacturing exports, agricultural products, foreign investment, tourism, etc.

We can see in Libya and Algeria a surplus in the economy, unlike the others with important economic deficit because their economies are based on more irregular sectors. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood are reluctant to external debt and interact with external funding organizations so they are opting for alternative measures such as increasing income tax and recuperate lands given to private companies, that is to say, they use a populist politics because of the political situation of the country applied to economic politics, growing the speculation between multinationals that are interested in export there.

In Tunisia, are getting down to business to facilitate the entry of international investment so are negotiating a plan with the World Bank to simplify the way of doing business in the country. Finally, Morocco is the most reliable country for doing business because the Moroccan government pretends to consolidate his growing economy with consistent economic politics.

Regarding to foreign direct investment we could talk about the big beneficiary: Morocco. Foreign investment has increased significantly in the Maghreb country thanks to an increased social stability, economic liberalization and purchase of public enterprises by foreign investors. Morocco has also established free trade agreements with third parties as USA, Turkey and the Arab free trade zone. The most important sectors
in which foreign enterprises invest are telecommunications, industry, finance and insurance, mining and petrochemical. But the obstacles are still a lot, because the difficulty access to the country such as the cost of financing and the high required bank guarantee (226 %), makes that many multinationals think twice before fixing his eyes on this country.

In conclusion, investing in these countries always involve know risks. North Africa sees little by little signs of international investment recovery after the decline suffered in 2011 due to social riots. In my opinion, the key of investment would be being aware about the movements that occur in the region to take advantage of the opportunities that are appearing.

- www.Africainfomarket.com Situación de la Inversion Directa en Marruecos, 2007 July
- ESCRIBANO, G. La Reconfiguración de las Políticas Económicas en el Norte de África, Real Instituto Elcano http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano/contenido?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/elcano/elcano_es/zonas_es/mediterraneo+y+mundo+arabe/ari48-2012