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Product Marketing

Hotel Marketing di prodotto

Objective of the product marketing: identifying the product and the reference target

The MKT of product has got a key function to plan the REVENUE and the commercial politics of every single structure or hotel.
We start with the analysis and a data collection on the destination, from a market study, from the reference target, basing also on the historical data on production, the analysis of the sales channels, of the origin markets travelled from the hotel and lastly the stay indexes:

- SWOT analysis;
- Analysis of the reference market;
- Identification of competitors;
- Elaboration and gathering of statistical data on the fluxes and origin (bodies, observers, etc.);
- Calculation of the stay indexes such as: length of stay, ADR, RevPar, Booking Window, etc depending on the markets and of the origin fluxes and on the period of the year;
- Analysis and successive evaluation of the complete mapping of the distribution of the hotel;
- Analysis of the clusterized production for the single customer targets;
- Analysis of the production processes and of the quality standards;
- Plan and implement (if not already existing) the management control and analytical accountability that creates a relationship on costs and revenues of every single sector, emphasizing the fixed costs, the variable costs and the degree of productivity and the efficiency of every single sector.


Revenue Management Hotel EN
Price Management for Hotel EN
Distribution Hotel EN
Marketing & Communication EN
Training Hotel EN
Services for Hotel EN

Revenue Management

Hotel Revenue Management


It’s an articulated and complex philosophy, expressing itself in a strategic commercial plan in view of a bettering of our productive capacity and thus to the exponential improvement of occupation of our rooms intervening on the market with different price levels and services, that determine the attention of the market towards our structure.
In effect, if we want to make a practical example, the strategy of revenue is well represented by the flower field in our photograph.

We have to be able to sow different types of flowers that can satisfy a wide range of potential customers, to identify the characteristics that every flower must have to satisfy the customer’s needs and to match our offer to the right price according to the period and to the relationship between the demand and the offer.
All this has of course to be supported by an effective system of listening to the market, of communicative exchange with it and a capacity to transmit the qualities and the characteristics of our brand.
In order to simplify we have to sell the right product/service, in the right moment, to the right customer and with the right channel.

Therefore when we talk of Revenue Management we mean directly the politics of tariffs and the sales channels online and offline, sustained by adequate actions of marketing.
The result is the optimisation of the average occupation of the rooms during the year and the increase of the average redditivity of the rooms.

Following the continuous evolution of the market, means implementing constantly our plan of marketing and communication that completes the offer.
The objective is always and only that of widen our reference market, to improve the attention to the customer, disintermediate the sale of our rooms and to build customer loyalty.

Price Management for Hotel EN
Distribution Hotel EN
Marketing & Communication EN
Training Hotel EN
Services for Hotel EN

Price Management

Hotel Price Management

The objective of the Price Management: analyze historical data and forecasts (Forecasting)

Through the analysis of historical data of the Hotel, the average price and REVPAR (calculated on the profitability of the room available rooms and not on those in employment), along with other indicators that we will not be here to call for short exposure should be performed a focused assessment of the perception of the market compared to the price / quality ratio of our offer.

Having previously defined quality standards of our products and services, you are going to indentificare of the tariff schedules of segmented based on the time, the services requested, length of stay, number of occupants, and how many other variables we deem appropriate to identify the different types of clients to whom they are diversified tariff levels that will interact with the progress of requests and confirmations.
After this analysis will be established tariff policy future, shared with the property. We aim to implement a policy “strongly REVENUE ORIENTED”, customized to the needs and trends of the market.

- Analysis and optimization of the next trade policies and pricing;
- Strategic management of the daily tariff policy both on-line and off-line;
- Evaluation daily tariff levels applied to the online channel;

- Analysis of the continuous flow of reservation relating to individual sales channels;
- Create different pricing plans based on demand and market needs;
- Analysis of hotel services in order to increase the feedback or reviews on-line;
- Analysis and development activities related to brand reputation.

Distribution Hotel EN
Marketing & Communication EN
Training Hotel EN
Services for Hotel EN


Hotel Distribuzione e Canali di Vendita

The aim of Distribution: Optimizing Sales Channels on and off line

We talked about this, but it is worth reiterating some basic concepts that today are involved significantly on the distribution of the tourism product.
First, the web has completely transformed the communication system and information retrieval enabling the end user to form their own opinions directly compared to what is offered and the satisfaction of their needs and expectations.

Therefore, knowing how to get in touch with this vast pool of market, knowing how to implement the wishes and needs, establishing a direct communication exchange and dialogue between them, meaning to perceive the pulse of the market and adjust accordingly the offer to the changing needs of customers.

Making an assessment of the existing channels and their productivity, new channels of distribution will be analyzed on the basis of changing market evaluating the actual adherence to the tourist flows and their ability to intercept tourism demand in relation to our product.
It will also optimize the content of the channels of sale (photos, texts, etc), so you always have effective tools.

- Search and continually assess new sales channels online;
- Create any new products and manage the connections between the various channels;
- Create promotions and events promotions for the web;

- To harmonize the rates of all the sales channels used;
- Manage operationally sales channels online daily;
- Check the pick up daily requests and actual bookings;

- Check daily quotas on all the sales channels online;
- Optimize the content-channel online sales.

Marketing & Communication EN
Training Hotel EN
Services for Hotel EN

Marketing and Communications

Hotel Comunicazione e Marketing

The aim of the Department of Marketing and Communications: Branding Optimization, Social Media & Email Marketing

The main objective of this section is to communicate to the market and potential customers our philosophy of hospitality, the specific features that distinguish us, the environment and the atmosphere of our hotel, attention to detail and hospitality. We want to tell our guests their centrality in our actions, the importance that they play for us and the effectiveness of our action for the satisfaction of their needs.
For us, every customer is unique and special, and our efforts are directed to make him a stay, whatever the reason for his trip, which leaves a positive memory and a sign of our “home” that will allow him to choose us again and to talk well of us.

The brand for us is not only image but also content, essence and originality.
It will therefore developed a specific plan of communication with the use of several tools that can be transferred in a clear “sense” of a stay with us.
This will create a project that focuses on the development of BRAND and increasing the visibility of the structure. The research and subsequent management of SOCIAL CHANNELS allow you to reach a large number of visitors and potential new customers.

Using the same channel and with direct mailings, through appropriate tools and professional, you can create targeted promotions or emphasize existing ones. The result will be a significant increase in brand awareness, reputation and visibility online.

In addition, it will also be developed COMMUNICATION PLAN addressed to channel print, online and off line. Finally a plan for reporting, consistent over time, the performance and the feedback of every single action that will allow us to measure the results objectively.

Training Hotel EN
Services for Hotel EN

Education and Training


Education and Training

Being efficient and effective quality are essential in a modern business hotel.
The internal organization, supported by job descriptions and organizational planning are the essential tool for a high quality of services and a careful cost management.
In addition, the image of the hotel is on the professional skills of those who work there and it is in direct contact with the user.

For these reasons, involve all employees in a strategic plan reception and efficiency becomes a major element in the success of our efforts.
Human capital is an essential element for the success of our business and then share through targeted training for each department, the strategic organizational and business, develop their professionalism and act on the sense of belonging to the company are essential principles .

The education and training (ON THE JOB sessions or front) of the staff and management is critical to the success and development of a commercial hotel. Every department of the Hotel requires specialized training, and above all studied the characteristics of the facility.

Thanks to our EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD, gained over many years, we can offer practical solutions to the problems that arise every day in the hotel and it is important to address and solve, solutions based on the reality of the concepts and operations through the adoption by the staff adequate CONDUCT, aiming to optimize the production / productivity in all departments of the hotel, improving the overall efficiency, effectiveness in terms of reduced service costs.

Are available and will be used as necessary tools for an objective assessment of the abilities and capacities of the staff of the themes to be developed, to make a precise analysis of the initial situation, and to implement training interventions really specific on critical areas or by train.

Services for Hotel EN

Financed Training


Financed Training for Check-up, Export and Internationalization, and other various Training paths

IBS is glad to recommend the opportunity of using the Interprofessional Joint Funds to make the Businesses able to achieve growth paths and competency development for the International markets and to improve the business efficiency. The aim is to bring in the Businesses the skills that make independent in choosing the strategies to spread the Business abroad.
Catalogue of the courses

GO ▬► Management, Organisation, Operating Mode Stella Polare 2008 Srl

Types of Courses that can be financed:

- Business Check-up allows to verify if there are the prerequisites to develop the business in the international markets;
- Market Analysis, analytical, strategical and operative marketing;
- International Scenario and Strategies to enter in a country;
- Commercial Development, Export Management and Development;
- Specialist Advice Services, support in customs, international tax system, international contracts, (e.g. agency and distribution contracts, international selling contract), purchases and sales, payment methods, protections and guarantees, and also credit recovery, presence abroad (representative office, branch, joint venture, foreign office) ad legal framework;
- Organizational structure and Cross Culture;
- Human Capital Development courses both from the organizational and functional point of view: Communication and Team Work, Leadership and negotiation skill, Change Management, creative Solutions to problematic issues, Decision Making to react to the rapid changes of the Businesses, performances and time increase to reach the aims and ambitious goals through Coaching courses;
- Relationships Area and cross paths to improve communicative skills in order to interact and well manage the costumer;
- Lean Production and 6 Sigma Manufacturing courses, in order to improve the efficiency of the process through the drop off of the costs, the suppression of activities with insufficient added values, that the customer will not pay;
- Courses to improve linguistic and relational skills;
- Management Control and administrative courses connected to the economic-financial sector of the Business; warehouse, production strategies, costing;
- Courses to gain or strengthen IT skills;
- Workplace Safety;
- Environment, Renewable Energy and Energy Bean courses;
- Regulated courses in the Social Health area, Social Care courses;
- Paths for Owners and Hotel Managers;
- Professional Area and specific professional paths.

Interprofessional Joint Funds

Please see the webpage Interprofessional Joint Funds to have an idea over all the numerous possibilities for a training of your staff, according to the main characteristics, the size, the goods sector, the industrial relations and the main membership relations of your Business.

Individual Training and Training Voucher

It is possible to launch some Training Voucher through some Joint Funds. The Voucher will allow the Business to buy seminars, masters, study days for the staff from a training activity catalogue. This is a very effective and flexible way to train the staff.


Interprofessional Joint Fund Fonarcom

The Fund Fonarcom, through the aggregate account, allows to optimize the overall profitability of the business deposits up to 0,30% of the monthly taxes through Uniemens – contributions paid to the Interprofessional Joint Fund after the social contributions paid to INPS. INPS will divert the 0,30% from the Interprofessional Joint Fund after having received the contribution from the business, if the business is already a member of an Interprofessional Joint Fund.


Interprofessional Joint Funds are controlled by the Italian law (Art. 118 of law no. 388/2000) about the possibility to create memberships for the Continuing Vocational Training through inter-confederation agreements between employers and trade unions, to support the businesses competitiveness and the workers employment.

The subscription to a Fund is voluntary and free; it is possible to cancel the subscription every month when you pay the amount through the Uniemens form.

For further details regarding the subscription to the Joint Funds and how they work, please see the webpage Interprofessional Joint Funds.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION regarding the FINANCED TRAINING or to receive a BUSINESS ANALYSIS for FREE, in reference to the coherence between corporate needs and the Interprofessional Fund, or to get a support in the identification of the best ways, tools, financing channelS and/or Co-Financing, or even for a FREE CONSULT “WRITE A QUESTION” IN THE SECTION “THE EXPERT ANSWERS” OR SEND US AN EMAIL TO THE UNDERNEATH LINK

contact IBS by mail

Stella Polare 2008 Srl

LOGO STELLA POLARE 2008 SRL per la formazione finanziata

STELLA POLARE 2008, guarantee company: managing society of financed formation and down market formation paths


STELLA POLARE 2008 SRL, guarantee company has the aim to plan, promote, as well as realize financed or down market formative activities, addressed to employees and to production and services companies entrepreneurs.

FOCUS: generate added value

Financed and non-financed formation brings added value which is relevant on a strategic level if it gets planned taking in consideration the concrete needs of companies, respecting the correct times of enterprise activities, supplied with coherent quality with the aim of developing the company, pledging a professional and human in values experience.


We start from an accurate analysis and a detection of formative basic requirements in order to get to the point of planning and identifying the proposals and the personalized solutions, “stitched on the needs” of an enterprise, from the identification and realization of financed or down market formation plans, to the monitoring and evaluation with an overall efficacy and quality of every single realized intervention.


STELLA POLARE 2008 SRL, guarantee company, uses, therefore, specialized competences both in the inner staff and in the relationships with external bodies: a combination of freelancers in many various businesslike and sectorials realities with a warranty regarding flexibility and efficacy in the achievement of fixed aims.

The staff, regarding the business sector, the business dimensions, the territorial localization and the kind of formation that needs to be supplied, can oversee the following processes:

- Analysis and survey about the company formative basic requirements.
- Specific consultancy.
- Identification of the right financing tool.
- Planning and scheduling of a formative plan.
- Identification and selection of masters in sinergy with the company.
- Presentation and approval of formative plans.
- Operative management of courses.
- Direction of the project, coordination activities, continuous protection and monitoring in terms of efficacy of products and of the processes of interventions.
- Follow-up in order to value the formative interventions and to capitalize the results.


STELLA POLARE 2008 SRL, guarantee company, uses for the managing of a part of the bureaucratics and administratives activities, a professional formation body, qualified in Emilia Romagna in range of continuous and permanent formation and of apprenticeship ( cod. system 9029). Such body is also qualified among the Interprofessional Joint Funds ( Fon.Ter. Accr. 294) in order to present and manage the formative, businesslike, business-to-business, sectorials and territorials plans.


Territorial flexibility: we are organized for realizing business, sectorial or territorial formative plans both on the regional territory and on the extra-regional one.
Accurate choice of financing sources: we select the most suitable financing tool regarding the company features and the formative plan needs. There are sources that come from different Interprofessional Joints Funds with different times and modalities of supplying.

High organizational flexibility: we offer methodological and organizational support, as well as modulate interventions regarding the common aims, the formative action, the process and the formative product.

Wide selection of formative contents : the company can choose between specialized on export and internationalization and strategic contents, instruments of communication and marketing, strategies of approach to countries/markets, linguistic, informatic or administrative transversal tools, compulsory contents in the area of security, quality and, at the end, sectorial matters ( services, health, education, commercial networks, production, etc…)

In the service planning , the enterprises will find the answers to the real needs and will appreciate the supplying of personalized and identified with specific businesslike realities formative plans.
Selection of masters: teachers identified regarding the specific needs and in sinergy with the beneficiary company or teachers selected by a staff of professional qualified workers.

PLAN IN A PERSONALIZED WAY: analysis of business basic requirements, use of peculiarities of different funds and supplying of services, always with the best advantage for the customers.

- High quality of the formative offer in order to generate a compact added value: the formation as a vital productive input, which places side by side the enterprise which evolves and thinks about the future thanks to a professional plan focused for each member of the human capital which grows in the real value of each society.

FINANCED FORMATION: the advantages for the companies:

- Being able to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, reaching our self aims of growth and development and reducing the business costs which should be employed in the formation.

- Recovery of costs that need to be shouldered in each case, for example: the use of locals, the general costs, the equipment, the consultancy for quality, security etc…

- Having a partner which is able to manage and supply many various formative paths, managing all the phases for the company itself, relieving the company from every administrative or bureaucratic encumbrance, therefore by the choice of the Interprofessional Joint Funds and by the related enrollment to the presentation of the project and the request of financing, to the managing of the project and the closure of the latter including: the balance sheet and the certification of the formative path.

- Customized paths stitched on specific needs (including individual paths and coaching ones). Go to the page Formative Voucher in order to have pieces of information about the individual paths directly from the formative catalogues.

- All the phases won’t have any extra encumbrances at the expense of the companies.

- Being able to use the distance formation or the blended learning when it is compatible with the formative aims.

In other terms, our remuneration is included in the project and it gets refined exclusively for financing requests which have obtained a positive outcome.

Catalogue of the courses


Fonarcom fondo paritetico per la formazione continua

Fonarcom – Inter-professional Joint Fund for Continuing Education

Fonarcom – Inter-professional Joint Fund for Continuing Education

Fonarcom fondo paritetico per la formazione continua


The Fondo Paritetico Interprofessionale FonARCom (Joint Interbranch Fund FonARCom) has been created by CIFA (Italian confederation of independent federations) and CONFSAL (General confederation of autonomous trade unions of workers), in order to efficiently promote the continuous training of employees and company partners.
In the aggregated account (conto aggregato) or network account (conto di Rete) are collected 0.30% INPS (Italian National Institute of social security) deposits of numerous companies. Through a qualified managing authority recognised by regional institutions is carried out a centralised resources management in order to improve management and to have new educational interventions.
To be part of the network account a company has to indicate the CODICE FARC(FARC code) in the Uniemens form while depositing their social contributions. Companies have to sign a representation mandate so that companies which took part can be identified as part of the multy-company aggregated account.
There is no sectoral or local restriction for member companies or companies interested in taking part. Companies can have their headquarter in any province or region, and manufacture any kind of good.


Have an IT platform which supports companies during their project activities, allowing an automatic management of different actions, saving time, avoiding communications, ensuring an operative efficiency and a simplified procedure;

It is not needed a trade union singing of projects, because it is done by the Joint Inter-branch Fund and its internal bodies;

It is not needed any advance payment, before, during and after the educational projects; except for the hourly payment of a professor agreed with companies;

Involve apprentices and partners with atypical contracts during educational projects;

Use the Blended Learning or Distance Learning , if they are compatible with educational goals.