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DESK esteri IBS & Servizi


Various DESKS report the active Services in the country and the Business Opportunities, including the sectors, and the types of companies that could get major benefits in terms of Export or Foreign Direct Investment in the territory, both for the potential of the market and for any Discounts or Funds made available by Local Authorities or by the competent Institutions .

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ECOWAS – CEDEAO: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
Congo, Rwanda, Zambia (case by case basis)


USA, Panama
Dominican Republic

Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Spain



China , Incoming in Italy buyer and foreign operators’ from China LINK
South Korea
ASEAN: Cambodia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam


Benelux ( Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands )
EAST EUROPE : Bulgaria, Poland , Hungary + (Trade Missions Abroad in Bulgaria LINK )
France + ( Monte Carlo, French Riviera real estate )
Spain Canary Islands (startup and innovation)
Ukraine (case by case basis)

MENA (Middle East & North Africa )

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine region , UAE ( United Arab Emirates ) and GCC
Libya (case by case basis)

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Thanks to Joint Inter-Professional Funds, there will be learning processes/consultancy of check-up and business preparation to export.
In addition it is possible to follow specific training programmes for the internationalised and exporting companies about, for example:
- export manager e strategic approach to the market;
- legal themes: international sales contract, international complying, relationship of agency and distribution, means of payment, non-payment and debt collection;
- international tax;
- customs, new Community Customs code, Incoterms 2010 and other issues;
- trade and export financing : documentary credits, bank guarantees, PBO (Bank Payment Obligation), LC and Stand By Letter of Credit, credit insurance, other specific issues;
- business planning.


- Export manager in firm for 6 months – one year as Export Development Manager and Manager for development of contacts with clients, buyers, trading partners;


- Scouting of agents, suppliers, trading partners, economic entities abroad specialised in sectors of interest;


- For a group of holdings affected we could facilitate the creation of a community showroom and a local sales network, with resident local staff who speaks Italian;


- Products or segments of production widely traded if made in Italy for their high production costs. We could assist the enterprises for a productive decentralization in EU and non-European countries;
- For example in Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Tunisia e Hungary;
- In addition to bureaucracy, our network of Italian companies abroad could support you with regard to integrated management, accounting, payroll, services of mentorship for the entrepreneur and his family, other specific request.


- We are in contact with market investors who participate in projects with a long-term efficiency;
- We could assist the enterprises who want to make a planning idea a business and viability plan to present to the investors.


- Assistance on the establishment of “business networks” to strengthen in order to enter in the foreign market with the tax benefits available under the Italian legislation;



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With an increasingly liberalized economy, Algeria is beginning to attract more and more foreign investors, through Foreign direct investments, which are beginning to expand in new areas, much different from the traditional ones: hydrocarbons, telecommunications, tourism, Industry, Construction (building, civil works and hydraulic), water and environment, agriculture and food farming, renewable energy.

Algeria has already carried out several projects and there are a lot of them that are under way; despite the situation Algeria keeps on attracting an increasing number of foreign direct investments, because they are getting better and better. The final payment of the investment projects of 2014, analysed by the Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo degli Investimenti (National Agency for the Development of the Investments) shows a dramatic and dynamic development of investments, as well as a market that is beginning to draw attention on itself.

There have been 9904 investment projects in 2014, a number that has increased with time, for an amount of 2.192 million DA (Algerian dinar), about 20 billion euros. In 2013, there were 8.895 projects for a counter value of 1.716 million DA, which created almost 151.000 job vacancies.

The development of the indicators shows a progressive and constant development of the investments on a national level, and more and more appealing markets. The opportunities development and the market shares to gain, the different partners, the effective efforts to promote business, the assessment of the potential make Algeria a highly appealing country for the foreign business community and network.

Since 2001, 2014 has been the best year in terms of investments, date of application of the disposition that regulates the development of the investments, number of projects, capital invested and potential in creating jobs. This kind of investments development is also found in the region of the plateaux and in the South: in fact, 2.166 of the projects that have been presented have developed in those two regions.

The projects of investment are mostly concentrated in the provinces, with a high concentration of economic activities; 6.514 projects have been realized in the northern regions last year, for an amount of 1.286 billion DA: they should create 109.275 job vacancies. The incentives and the specific support dedicated to the investments in the Highlands and in the South have led to a crescent interest in both regions, as the development plans produced by ANDI about them. The measures taken about these regions must continue and get stronger, in order to contribute to medium and long term development, in line with the stated objectives for the regional balance for the country’s economic and social development.

The measures taken through various reforms, all aimed to improve the entrepreneurial context, is starting to earn the investors’ trust, as demonstrate the more than 1.000 billion DA reinvested in this field. This trust has been confirmed also by some other investments, especially the “entrepreneurial start-ups”, whose number has reached 5.650 projects, almost 57% of what was declared.
As regards the dimensions of the companies, small and medium enterprises that tend to move towards industry, especially industrial processing chains, have carried on most of the projects that have started in 2014.

The industrial sectors are food production sector, chemical and plastic industry, wood and paper industry, textile and leather industry and finally glass industry.
The government provides with big funding for the great projects in the water, energy and telecommunication management.

These results get registered, following the governmental effort to improve Algerian economy in many ways, such as: developing business and entrepreneurship, supporting manufacturing activities helping them recovering through several incentives, especially in the land managing sector, simplifying access to loans and incentives for investments as well as reducing bureaucracy and reforming the public sector.


Algeria has a surface area of about 2.4 million square kilometres, and it is a country with great geographic and climatic biodiversity: there is a vast coastline, high plains, semiarid plateaux and it includes a huge portion of the Sahara, characterized by hot and dry climate. Such an extremely varied environment corresponds with the different exploitation of the soil and the population density.
The coastline represents the 4% of the land area; in addition, two thirds of the population live there. On the contrary, the High Plains region represent 9% of the land area, and about a fourth of the population lives there.

- 38.7 million inhabitants 1st Jan 2014 estimate
- 39.5 million inhabitants 1st Jan 2015 estimate
- 963.000 live-born children, child mortality: 168.000, 388.000 marriages in 2013.


Algeria’s foreign trade statistics for 2014, drawn by the databases of the Customs Information System, have highlighted a development of the trade balance in the following way:
- Imports have increased by 0.6 % by comparison with 2013. Their distribution highlighted that the capital goods have increased by 17.13% and foodstuff by 14.87 % in 2013; on the contrary, non-food consumer goods have decreased by 8.23% and production machinery by 0.35%;
- Goods related to the operation of the manufacturing facilities are mainly built with building materials (bars, steel tubes, wood, etc.) and oils intended for the food-processing industry;
- As regards the division of the various economic areas in 2014, foreign trade mostly takes place with traditional partners. OECD countries have the largest share: 65.03% of imports and 81.01% of exports in Algeria. 14.47% of Algerian imports comes from non-EU OECD countries, and 16.65% of exports are addressed to these countries. Most of the trade takes part with the USA (4.9% of imports and 7.45% of exports) and Turkey (3.64% of imports and 4.61% of exports). Trade between Algeria and other countries is still low.


In order to reduce the number of imports, the Algerian government has issued a law that forbids using imported constructing materials, which are manufactured locally; this measure is also aimed at increasing the integration in the construction industry, and promoting local manufacturers. This law has already begun to bear fruit on the territory. It will increase the percentage of constructing materials “Made in Algeria” in the construction industry, from the actual 70% up to 85%.

This regulation, signed in December 2014, forbids the supervisors of the several projects partially or fully financed by the State resorting to imported goods if the same product is manufactured locally and of the same quality.

In order to achieve it, the Department has entrust the directors of the promotion centres and of the property management offices (OPGI) with improve the implementation of this regulation; they hold the majority of the public housing projects, which represent 75% of the five-year programme for 2010-2014.

Actually, people in charge for the public sector will have to use Algerian products when signing contracts involving Algerian products’ manufacturing. They will also have to join invoices with production contracts with companies that manufacture in Algeria various construction material.

Finally, it must be pointed out that this regulation has a double aim. On one hand, the mail goal is to reduce imports costs of all construction materials, to which the bill refers. On the other, it is about “consuming national products”. About that, all specialists agree on the fact that Algerian products are of very good quality, similar to imported goods from China or Europe.


Algeria’s GDP was 17.731 million dinars (about 221 billion dollars) in 2014; in 2013, it was 16.570 billion dinars (196 billion dollars). Algeria’s economy has increased by 4.1% in 2014, by contrast with the past year and by 2.8% in 2013 compared to 2012. On the contrary, the growth of GDP concerning non-oil related goods has decreased: it went from 5.1% in 2014 to 7.1% in 2013.



The industrial sector has a weak positive growth rate, even if the deep decrease has stopped, growth rates of this sector are still very irregular from one hand and insufficient on the other hand. Indeed the this sector represents a small part of the GDP (lass than 5%). In order to reach 10% this sector should achieve a double digit growth.
In 2013, the industrial added value was 765.400.000.000 billion dinars and 728,6 billion in 2012. ( a nominal increase of 5%). In volume, in 2012 the industrial growth was 4.1% and 5.1% in 2013. It had a clear decrease explained by a decrease in energy supply sector, ISMMEE and chemical industry.

Sectors that have increased growth in 2013:

- Energy supply sector, with an increase of 4.3% in 2013 and 10.2% in 2012;
- Steal and iron industry (ISMME) 5.5% increase in 2013 and 7.4% in 2012;
- Chemical, plastic and rubber with an increase of 5% in 2013 and 5.8% in 2012;
- Food industry sector increased of 7% in 2013 and 5.6% in 2012.


BTPH growth (Algerian state-owned society working in construction sector) is expected to reach 6.9%. This is a remarkable performance but slightly lower than 2012, because of a decrease in public.
Except for oil and public works sectors which had a weak increase in 2013 (+1% in 2013 and 0.4% in 2012), BTPH including oil and public works , had a 6.6% increase in 2013 and 8.2% in 2012.

The Brute Formation of FBCF fixed investments (it is a group that measures gross fixed investments and it is composed of a “physical” component such as constructions, machineries, means of transport and a “non-physical” component such as software and licenses), in 2013 it was the most dynamic component of the demand. Indeed, after that in 2011 growth rate was 2.9%, investments have positively increased of 7.2%, achieving an higher cadence than 2010. In 2013, this recovery trend of investments was confirmed, indeed gross fixed investments had a 8.6 % growth rate. This acceleration in gross fixed investments is due to a 13.8% increase of industrial equipment volumes imports and to an increase in state capital expenditures, as follows:

- Infrastructures and administration +13.7%
- Agriculture and Hydraulics + 6,2%
- Manufacturing services +8.8%
- Education +1.2%


The wealth made with oil allowed the country to recover from foreign debt and to start large scale campaigns to boost is economy. The BTPH economy is taking a great advantage of this recovery.
Algerian government has lunched for the period 2004-2008 , complementar support for growth plans (PCCS) and special projects for Highlands and south.
Almost 70% of imports in this context should be used to develop basic infrastructures, houses and public infrastructures such as universities, schools, sport and cultural centres, hospitals etc…
The housing became a basic need for Algerian people because of population growth rate. The industry abandoned in the eighties and nineties, during the black decade that froze every business, and cause an important delay in the lodging conclusion. The President willingness and the interest in this sector have created a surprisingly real estate development. Moreover, it is famous the sentence according to which “When the construction industry works, everything works”.

As other developing countries, Algeria population and urbanisation have remarkably increased, this has increased the demand for lodgings, basic local services and tools essential for community life.

For lodgings, the President program has laid foundations in order to ensure an intense construction of buildings in the future. In order to diversify lodgings availability to support real estate development, credit development and access to housing. Everything is supported by State finances.

Construction companies are competing and every company tries to face challenges with its resources and leadership.
Private and state-owned companies such as ENPI, ALDA, e OPGI, tend to develop a partnership policy with strong Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, French; Portuguese and Italian companies.
For information, prices decided by the government to create a social housing is fixed between 42.000 and 54.000 DA per square meter (1 Euro= 105 DA).

Moreover, according to the prime minister “Government will not move backwards on promises made for social housings, despite a decrease of oil price”. However, he wanted to underline that there is the possibility to develop a list of construction materials temporary prohibited to import.

The recent increase in population in Algeria during these years, has increased the demand for building areas in the main Algerian cities such as Algeri, Orano, Costantina and Annaba. For this reason the government has continually modified services needed for the creation of new urban systems according to national needs.


1.034.566 are were foreseen by the PCSC but they arrived at 1.228.597 for South and Central Highlands programs. Almost 39% is intended for rural buildings to encourage people to grow their own land. The distribution of 1.228.597 housing units of PCSC is divided in:

- Social housing for rent (23%);
- Social active buildings (23,2%);
- Rural housings (38,7%);
- House for sale (10,5%);
- Other housing kind (4,6%).

Only a small number of housing units have been built in the period 2010-2014. After a five-year plan, in 2014 started a building project to build 418.752, public housing for rent (164.749), rural housing (196.140), social housing for rent (16.081 ), social housing (17.893) leasing housing ALDA (20.600) and housing offered by “CNEP-bank” (3289 units).

These projects have cost billion dinar(around 7 billion dollars) with 1.738 billion DA of funds udes between 2010-2014. High expense rates underline that housing programmes are important projects.

The real estate sector lunched a project for the period 2015-19 to build 1.6 million of houses, in order to solve housing by 2019,improving the business environment for workmen who cooperate with employers organisations.

Moreover the Ministry of housing, urban planning and municipality, announced in January 2015 the creation of a five-year project 2015-2019, a new solution for “self-built” housings. This solution gives to citizens the opportunity to build their own house after having purchased a plot of land and the financial assistance of the State, whether projects respect the urban plan.

Allotments will be allowed in wilays, Southern Highlands and than North wilays. According to data of the Ministry of housing, there are 1098 available areas for allotments, in 425 towns of Highlands and South. The overall are is 6.699 hectares, this allows the distribution of 295/394 allotments.

Moreover, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, is trying to adopt corrective measures for construction sectors to lure private investors of this sector; this aims to increase production dimensions. Several building regulations have been revised.

It is a law that includes to avoid bureaucracy in every sector, especially housing, to decrease administrative procedures, for example construction permissions. These subsidies will include reliefs to obtain plot of lands, but also regulations that take into account construction techniques such as PVC and aluminium.

In conclusion, this is the perfect situation to boost this sector, that aims to increase the national production to satisfy real estate market needs. Administrators, business men and industrialists have to contribute to boost the sector, in order to build 120.000 units per year, using modern techniques of construction in building sites that follow international standards.


Only 22% of national companies working in the building sector pushed for build 100.000, have positively answered for this projects, according to Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning.
The new list drafted by the Ministry in 2014 includes 83 companies with 23 more companies selected after several complaints, the final amount is 106. Public promoters, such as ENPI, OPGI e ALDA can use this list to select a company and enter in “over the counter” market, capable of make easier procedures to start housing buildings projects.
Moreover, the strengthen of construction material sector in Algeria, including the creation of 8 new cement plants and plants for steel production in Bellara (Jijel), will be an important asset to support more than 35.000 building entrepreneurs.


The national body for real estate promotion “ENPI-SPA” ha been established after the re-organisation of the housing promotion of family-owned businesses “EPLF”.
Its main goal is build new Public Housing Promotion “LPP”.
More than 32.000 units will be built thanks to the project Public Housing Promotion (LPP) created in 2014.

Works for this projects are developed in 39 wilayas and ranges from 5 and 30%, and the building cadence has increased in 2015. Currently, the companies working in this projects have been selected in the Ministry list (70%), public works (7%), joint ventures (7%), private Algerian companies (20,5%).
The biggest problems for the realisation of these projects are: it is difficult to find plots of lands, especially in Algeri, where have been built 15.906 buildings LPP.

The promotional project (LPP), launched in 2013 has been given to citizens with an income between 108.000 e 216.000 DA.



The AADL, which falls under the supervision of the Ministry of Housing, has the purpose of providing a public service mission and it has a legal entity and financial autonomy. Its goal is to implement, across the whole national territory, the national plan regarding the rental and sale of housing, the promotion, the supervision, the territory and the market property development, the dismantling of the existing slums to transform them into habitable structures with better conditions, the restructuration and restoring of ancient buildings, the urban restoring and the creation of new cities.

This plan also deals with the development of innovative construction methods through its action program, as well as the elaboration and the diffusion of a more extensive information, and the management of the markets and the estate and construction actors (developers, citizens, financial institutions, local authorities, materials manufacturers, advisers, manufacturing companies, property managers, associations…).

The agency also carries out the work given by the Ministry, such as the dossier on the development of new cities like Boughezoul, 270 km from Algiers, Ali Boumendjel in the Costantine wilaya (province) and Sidi Abdellah in the Tipasa province. By way of information, the dwellings intended to be rented out, namely the F4-type, represent 60% of the total, while the F3 residences represent 40%. Regarding the size of the dwellings for sale and for rent, they go from 75 square meters to 90 square meters for F3 and F4 types.

AADL plans to achieve 230000 residential units, including 106373 that have been built but not completed yet, while 124000 are still under construction. We present you how the AADL dwellings have been distributed and the PVC products which will be used for the construction.

Allocation of the housing AADL plan per wilaya (province):

The wilayas and the works that have not been started yet are : Djelfa, M’Sila, Adrar Bordj Bou Arreridj, El-Oued El-Tarf, Illizi, Medea, Ouargla, Oum-El-Bouaghi, Souk Ahras, Tamanrasset, Tébessa, Tiaret ,Tindouf, Tissemsilt.


The country offers different helping solutions (financed by the National housing fund CNL) to buy real estates in Algeria. The Ministry of housing launched the AADL (rental or selling) housing and LLP, but the most known and promotional schemes are the Housing Assisted (LSP) and the rental housing (social housing). The OPGI plan is a very important element which is under the direction of the Ministry of housing throughout the national territory; we hereby present you a list of contracts established with enterprises in the fiscal year 2014.

Le Projet des Villes des HAUTS PLATEAUX:

The goal in the high plains is creating the adequate conditions and measures to develop the cities which can have a knock-on effect in the area covered and as a consequence increase the growth. The goals by 2025 concern the ongoing urban restoring related to the high plains and they require a restoration of the urban system and a well-structured hierarchical system.

In the high plains there are 3 new plans to build cities, as set out below:

 Boughezoul in Medea province: at the heart of high plains region, within the national strategy of territorial development;
 The new city of Aricha, in the Tlemcen province, which is 80 km south of Tlmecen city. It is the only urban project in a territory of more than 20.000 km2 from the western bypass which leads to the high plains, which has been prepared for 150.000 inhabitants by 2025;
 The new city of Inedghassen in the Batna wilaya, which is 30 km north of Batna city and will aim, through its realization, at decreasing the high concentration of population in the other cities.

Other main construction projects:

 International conference center: the conference center is located in the Club des Pins in Algiers, it will be managed by the Chinese company CSCEC and built on an area of 270000 square meters at a cost of 50 billion dinars;
 Marriot hotel: the private group Red-Med aims at bringing to 6 the number of three-star hotels with an investment of 50 billion dollars; the first hotel will be built in ADRAR, the other one near the industrial and port areas;
 MEDINA Algiers: DAHLI Society HILTON hotel project predicts an investment of 2.5 billion Euros, a business that will expand upon an area of 100 hectares near SAFEX in Algiers;
 The Great Mosque of Algiers: it will cost 1.2 billion Euros and it will cover an area of 275000 square meters on the seafront opposite the SAFEX and the MEDINA project in Algiers. The CSCEC has to compete with a Chinese company.

The poles for the development of competitiveness in the High plains area in Algeria

To illustrate the importance of the High plains area in the national policy concerning the establishment of development and competitiveness poles, those which have been planned are set out below:

 Electronic pole: Sétif and Bordj Bou Arréridj wilayas;
 Mechanic and oil pole: TIARET wilaya;
 BTHP pole: M’Sila wilaya , Batna, Djelfa, Nâama, El Bayadh;
 New division energy: Djelfa, Boughezoul, Nâama, El Bayadh;
 Audio and visual industrial division: M’Sila, Bou Saâda, Tébessa, Khenchela;
 High-end tourism pole: Aures Nemmemachas, Saharan atlas Ksour;
 Food and industries pole: Djelfa wilaya and Oum El Bouaghi;
 Local meat and farming pole: Saida wilaya , Tiaret, M’Sila, Djelfa, El Bayadh;


Only 67% of more than 6800 public infrastructure projects set out in the framework of the 2010-2014 five -year plan have been implemented. 3812 of the 10188 investment projects set out at the beginning of the five-year period, have been delivered and 3008 projects are still ongoing, while the remaining has not been implemented yet. These projects are related to 26 sectors including the education and higher education which received the lion’s share among the projects presented.

The result was the establishment of 2784 installations in high schools, primary schools with their helping structures (boarding structures, gyms, etc.) in 6630 projects set out in the education sector, while 1613 installations are currently under construction against 2233 infrastructures waiting to be constructed.
With regard to higher education, 390 installations have been delivered. The initial plan called for 1016 installations, including the 325 projects currently ongoing, against 301 projects which have not been started yet.

Efforts on the construction of public structures led to a strong increase of the financial investments which overcame 773 billion dinars. The Ministry of housing sets out to provide installations for 1138 projects and other 1285 development projects in all sectors by 2015-2016. The situation of the sectorial projects of public structures is relevant only for projects whose specialization in the works is guaranteed by delegation of Ministry of Housing and Urban Development decentralized structures. Wilayas (provinces) are usually responsible for residences and the DLEP public services depend on the UCR urban planning and construction managements.


For the National Agency for Healthcare Equipment and Management of Health infrastructures (AREES) a budget of 400 billion dinars will be allocated to the construction of 5 new UHCs (university hospital centers) in Algiers, Tizi-Ouzou, Tlemecen, Constantine and Ouargla. Similarly, the agency stated that the construction works of the new hospitals would start soon, they will cover an area of 5 million square meters and will be completed within 48 months of the beginning of work.

Moreover, 600 billion dinars will be allocated to the restructuring of 15 UHCs and will cover a 10-years period, having established that the state of the 15 existing hospitals is not meeting the international minimum requirements.

To overcome this challenge, the Ministry of Health launched a project of requalification, restructuring, improvement and repair of existing buildings, many of them being almost 100 years old and originally military camps.


The potentially available resources in Algeria are estimated to be about 18 billion cubic meters, 10 billions of which are surface resources, 2.5 billion cubic meters are underground water resources in the north and 5.5 billion cubic meters are both surface and underground water resources, in the south.

To face the challenge of guaranteeing an adequate coverage of the continually increasing water needs at national level, for both agricultural and industrial purposes because of an alarming shortage of the resource, a new national water policy has been implemented since the beginning of the 2000s. It revolves around three main axes : improving the organization and development of resources in all their forms, the economic protection of water and the reform of water governance framework.

There are currently 70 dams that are operating, 14 in construction for an overall capacity which covers 8.4 billion cubic meters of sea water, 9 desalination plants in operation and another four under construction for an overall capacity of 2.3 million cubic meters per day. Moreover, the 140 waste water treatment plants allow to recover around 800 million cubic meters of treated waste water per day.

These management infrastructures of the waters originating from both conventional dams and large transfers and underground water or unconventional from desalination sea water plants and recycling of sewage disposal, are giving concrete solutions to the problems of water shortage in Algeria. The concrete results of this proactive action by the State should be noticeable very soon. The development indicators in the water sector have increased substantially largely overcoming the millennium targets set in this sector by the United Nations.

The equal distribution of water resources between the different regions of the Algerian territory is a key factor of the policy implemented by the government. To overcome the geographical differences, a regional water infrastructure plan has been implemented in order to guarantee a better equality between the regions regarding the access to water. In the last ten years, important measures have been adopted and are now under construction for ANBT.

These aqueducts meet the targets regarding the strategy for food safety of the country and they are aimed at supporting the regions with a strong agricultural potential. Therefore, for example, with the construction of big aqueducts in the Sétif and Djelfa wilayas, the government intends to make those wilayas wheat-producing regions, which, within few years, will guarantee 20% of the country’s need in this sector.
These measures are aimed at connecting the water resources of the different regional systems in favour of the big urban centers, while the neighbouring cities will be served by smaller infrastructures.


- Census of the houses to be connected for the supply of gas;
- Launch of studies to implement projects;
- Definition of the annual plans per wilaya;
- Beginning of the construction works by the companies managed by Sonelgaz in accordance with the provisions on public procurement.

Regarding the gas distribution of the public grid it has been set out:

- The connection of 1000000 users;
- State programme which predicts a quota of 211600 MDA (million dinars).

The investment prospect of SONELGAZ for the 2015-2019 period focuses on the means of production and on the conveyance and distribution of gas. A supply plan has been established to meet the national market’s needs for natural gas. This large project has the goal to meet the populations’ demand for gas, the safe supply in the country at the end and the medium and long-term support, especially, for the development of the Highlands and southern areas. This program concerns the supply, NG and LPG, for new clients.

5900 kilometers of transmission system at a high pressure will be constructed and the existing system is planned to be extended. The financing of this new plan is covered by state funds to 75%, while 25% will be covered by Sonelgaz. The gas transmission system, which will be completed by 2023, will be 11553 kilometers long, 7862 km of which have already been approved. The total amount set out for all the works related to the development of the system to transport gas for 2014-2023 period is around 382554 million dinars.


The developed program concerns the following 10 wilays in the SOUTH: Adrar, Laghouat, Biskra, Bechar, Tamanrasset, Ouargla, Illizi, Tindouf and Wadi EL Ghardaia, without mentioning the creation of the new city of Hassi Messaoud in the framework of this oilfield preservation. Therefore, the development which has been decided in the framework of the special program for the development of the South will cost 377 billion DA (dinars). More than 296 billion dinars are allocated to improving the life conditions of populations, including:

 More than 110 billion dinars for the realization of 60000 additional dwellings;
 Almost 20 billion DA to connect houses with natural gas and electrical energy;
 More than 80 billion dinars for water resources;
 Almost 7 billion DA allocated to higher education especially for the creation of 10000 additional teaching jobs and 7500 refugee accommodation;
 Almost 12 billion DA for national education and the creation of 14 high schools, 50 primary schools, 497 classrooms, 202 school canteens and 327 sport facilities;
 More than 3 billion dinars for vocational training, in order to create 11 training centres and 10 specialization and internship centres;
 15 billion DA for the health, in order to build new hospitals, two university hospitals, laser therapy units and 13 specialist care centres;
 Almost 6 billion dinars for youth and sport sector to create 10 gyms, 16 sport and helping centres and 31 swimming pools;
 19 billion DA for the enhancement of tools for employment promotion;
 3 billion of dinars for the culture sector in order to create of 19 libraries, 2 theatres, 1 museum and 1 music school;
 2.5 million DA for environment safeguard.

Around 74 billion DA for the economical development, including:

 More than 47 billion dinars for the development and enhancement of road network;
 More than 2 billion dinars for transport sector;
 More than 17 billion dinars for agricultural sector;
 More than 2 billion dinars for the development of industrial sector and of activities;
 More than 1 billion DA for the development of small and medium enterprises, craftsmanship and tourism;
 3 billion dinars for the improvement of bank credit interest rates for the investments in small and medium enterprises and in the agricultural sector;
 Around 20 billion DA for the improvement of management and administration methods, including justice and inspection services.


During 2014 Algeria showed a sharp increase in investment projects, equal to 28% compared with the allocated contribution in 2013. According to the Ministry of Mines and Industries at least 10000 investment projects have been launched during 2014.
These investments focused on the setting up of manufacturers which produced an additional value in several sectors, including the industrial one, and the extension to others, with a cost of 2 billion DA (dinars); 1.5 billion DA of them have been used to foreigner partnership projects, equal to 62% of the total cost. 60% of these projects concern the development of productive potentials, the introduction of innovative technologies and the acquirement of knowledge and instruments for the governance and the development of enterprises on national and international markets.

These projects involved different market segments, including Agri-Food, Industries, Chemistry and Industry. These results “provide information on the steady improvement of the business climate in Algeria”, including the partnership with foreigner operators.

The industrial sector, where the investments mainly focus on transformation sectors, appears in the forefront both for the amounting of investments and in the potential for job creation, with 1845 projects and 1507 million DA in 2014, with a potential for creating 71362 jobs (42.27 of the total potential).

The same is true for investment projects concluded with foreigners, which focuses on industrial sector and this is the case of 74 projects amounting to 156 billion DA, especially in the steel, mechanical and electrical, chemical, food and construction materials sectors. Moreover, it has been noticed a significant investment volume of partnership in the regions of Haus Plateaux and in the south.

On the whole, the most affected industrial districts pointed out by ANDI (National Agency of Investment Development) are the food industries (IAA), which represent 26% of all industrial projects which have been highlighted, followed by construction materials one 22.4%, the steel, mechanical and electrical industry (ISMME) to 17.13% and chemical industry to 15.72%.

These findings show a strong effort in the industrial sector by the government for the diversification and development of the industrial activities, and show important markets to be hold in different areas of activities and industrial processing, LPN (Natural Conservation Act), extraction activities and other sectors.


The local row materials production, in spite of the great stocks, it cannot meet the sharp increase in local demand, which required an increase in import, including imports of cement, steel, pipes, materials and equipment, such as: floor coverings, plumbing, electrical equipment, locks, etc … … and the production of materials, machines and equipment. The secondary market, which benefits from a stable construction sector, suffers from low quality of local production.

National construction sector

The decision of the government concerning the ban on imports of construction materials is justified by a national production modestly sufficient for the implementation of all programs. The country’s authorities said: “Importing row materials that can be produced in our country is an economic crime.”

The country’s reindustrialization project will involve the support of internal production that in different sector could and must replace the imports. Therefore, it will be important to develop the small and medium enterprise and the supply, which will receive increasing attention through the facilitation of the proceedings of the creation and support to development plan.

The strategy will focus on the removing of constraints to a sustained growth and it will be supported by the improvement of investment conditions. Therefore, ANDI will become a specialized pole that will lead the potential investors in promising projects and follow up their implementation and provide advices for the organization and management and also on the investment promotion act which will be modified in accordance with the investment liberalization and with the entrepreneurship and the public support to the business projects.

The imported products will be replaced by materials locally produced

The imports cost will be reduced replacing the wood with other products like PVC and aluminium, especially in the construction sector. The country imports from an average of 300 to 320 million dollars in wood every year. The wood industry realizes a turnover of 12 billion dinars (12 million Euros). A significant part of coniferous imports comes from the northern countries (Finland and Sweden) or from Russia. Oaks and beech trees are imported by Europe, the tropical wood comes from Africa and Asia. The demand is estimated to be 1.5 million cubic meters every year, while the local production is able to meet only 15% of the demand. This caused an excessive expenditure for the wood import, especially because of the needs regarding the projects launched by the state.

PVC and aluminium to stop using the wood

The construction sites monopolize more than 70% of wood imports. Although the government took actions to educate the constructors about the benefits of using formworks with metal stamps which offer longer depreciation periods of the wood, the manufacturers keep on using the wood, even though its high cost.

On the contrary, other materials take their part in the Algerian market, especially in the carpentry sector for the residential and promotional construction. For example, the PVC locally produced has a production capacity of 30000 tons, while the volume of import from Turkey and China are unknown. This product has advantages that reduce the long-term costs because their duration is estimated to 50 years.

Another material is the aluminium and in particular the plant located in Beni Saf (Témouchent) is managed by a consortium of companies that promote development: Moubadla (Moubadala Development Company), Dubai Aluminium (Dubal) and by an Algerian consortium made of Sonatrach and Sonelgaz. They have a production capacity of 700000 tons per year. Another foundry, with a capacity of 1.5 million tons per year, is going to be built by 2016. Therefore, the wood imports are supposed to be reduced in the future. Currently the construction deployment of all wood elements is equal to 70%, against the aluminium and PVC use which only represent around 15% each one.


The number of the companies included in the census of the national territory runs into 990496 unities and more than 934200 of them are limited liability companies which represent more than 94% of the total and the remaining of them (56246), equal to 6%, are management consulting centres; these are the final results recorded by National Statistics Office (NSO).

This important action, the first of its kind in Algeria, showed that the national economy is largely dominated by solely companies to 95% (888794), while the legal entities (enterprises) represent only the 5% equal to 45456 unities. This finding shows that the Algerian economy mainly depends on micro enterprises.

The structure of legal entities in the wilaya shows a concentration of 21% capital, followed by Oran wilaya (6.8%) and Sétif 5.3% from afar. This is the result of the market survey which was aimed to the census of all economic and management institutions, whatever was the sector or legal form, not including the agricultural sector.

The same trend has been observed in solely companies, therefore, Algiers area is characterized by the presence of 9.9% economic actors, followed by Oran (5.6%) and Sétif (5.1%). On the other hand, the number of industrial realities identified is 95445, 24.8% of which operate in different sectors: 23,4% in the metal product manufacturing; 11,1% in clothing; 1.7% in wood processing; 1.3% in textile; 1.3% in repair and installation of machines and equipment.

Moreover, 84% of 934250 enterprises, equal to 781439 are located in urban areas against 16% equal to 152811 in rural areas. Regarding the urban areas, Algiers is in the forefront with more than 12%of the total, Oran is in the second place (6.6%), followed by Sétif wilaya with 4.8% according the final results of census. With regard to rural areas, Tizi Ouzou wilaya is in the forefront with 8.1% of the total and Sétif is in the second place with 6.7%. In terms of activities, 81.3% of extractive industries are located in rural areas, while the production represents 19%, according to the survey findings.


Regarding the findings in the construction field, the census recorded 26780 enterprises, whose main activity is the construction. It should be noticed that 17% equal to 4222 Enterprises of the total 26780 have been ranked and qualified to launch the 5-year plan.

While the public actors are affected more strongly by budgetary constraints, private national measures are currently experiencing a sharp increase related to the enthusiasm developed from the prospects and growth opportunities of BTPH sector. Among the foreigner enterprises, the Chinese ones are very competitive, they indeed won the majority of the last public procurements in the construction sector. A lot of actors coming from the Middle East and from Turkey, such as Sidar, Emar, Fiducia Investimenti… and construction companies such as Arab Contractors, Atlas, etc, are benefiting from the current situation.


The Ministry of Public Work (DPW) manages a road network of around 108000 km (70% is paved road), 4800 bridges and provides 85% of goods and people transport in the country. A quarter of current network is in poor condition and half of the works need to be restructured. The main projects concern the creation of East-West highway. This is the main goal of the government (recorded project as PCCS), 1216 km long, which will connect the main northern cities of the country.

The highway project in the Highlands, which will connect Tlemecen wilaya to Tebessa, has been launched recently. After the preparation of studies related to this project of 1020 km, they will start the works of the stretch of highway regarding TIARET, which will connect the Algerian –Tunisian border, 800 km long, while those related to the stretch Algerian- Moroccan of TMLECEN will start later.

In the framework of PCSC programs and the special programs for the south and highland, there are also projects for restructuring more than 14000 km of roads and 50 bridges, building more than 3700 km of new roads and 216 bridges and realizing 3700 km of channels to reach rural cities. The Ministry of Public Works is thinking about new projects for the future, including:


17 projects regarding the 1396 km of fast motorway connecting the East/West Highway identified by ARDS in the period 2005-2025:

 A.P.D. project, the highway connecting Bejaia to East-West Highway for 100 km;
 Freeway planning and development at the suburbs of the great winds park;
 Highway planning in the highlands;
 Planning of the third bypass in the south of Algiers: Bourmedes-Tipaza south 150 km long on two lanes;
 Planning of the fourth Ring Road between the wilaya of Ain Defla and Bordi Bou Arreridj on 300 km;
 The doubling planning of RN 01 for 320 km;
 The doubling planning of RN 67 for 20km;
 The expansion planning from 2 to 3 lanes of the highway connecting the second Ring Road of the new city of Bouinan for 13km.


 Implementation of the third ring road Bourmedes-Tipaza for 150 km on two lanes;
 Completion of the fourth Ring Road between the wilaya of Ain Defla – Bordji Bou Arreridj for 300 km on two lanes that can be extended to 3 lanes through the wilaya of Tupaza, Bilda and Bourmedes;
 Implementation of Bou Ismail Cherchell freeway, connecting to OEA for 65km;
 Implementation of the Transrhumel and Constantine viaduct;
 Development of a stretch of two-lanes highway RN 12 for 23.5 km;
 The doubling realization of RN 01 for 70 km between Bougheoul and Berrouaghia and in the province of Medea;
 The doubling realization of RN 24 for 9 km (second Tranche) in the wilaya of Algiers;
 Realization of roads in 10 tourist areas of the 7 coastal wilayas of Algiers, Tipaza, Annaba, El Tarf, Tlmecen, Oran, Aïn Témouchent, Mostaganem;
 Realization of the main highway section in the highlands for 600 Km Saida Batna;
 Completion of the freeway connecting Djen Djen harbour up to EO Highway for 100 km;
 Implementation of a two-three lane highway connecting the second ring road with the new city of Bouinan for 13 km.


The expected results for the construction of harbours until 2025 are as follows:
 Construction of nineteen (19) harbours addressed to people who dedicate to fishing;
 Capacity development and enhancement of twenty-one (21) harbors dedicated to fishing boats;
 Construction of sixteen (16) tourist harbours;
 Protection of twenty-seven (27) land sites for 16 km;
 Realization of thirty-six (36) beaches;
 Maintenance of 498 beaches and development of 36 accesses to the beaches.


The project of road and highway development (ARDS) 2005/2025 is the framework which led to the optimal structure of the current road network, aimed to meet the future road links and road transport to boost the social and economic development of Algeria until 2025.
This goal focuses on the following main areas:
 The continuing extension capacity of the network;
 The intermodal transport enhancement;
 The heritage and environment conservation;
 The road network improvement in the highlands;
 The motorway network improvement in the deep south, the development of the main links and of the border roads to open up towards a higher development of exchanges with Africa.


The government puts great emphasis on the railway sector in which allocated a large investment. In 2012, the Algerian government announced that it sets out a massive investment of approximately 18 billion dollars in this sector for the modernization of railway transport infrastructures until 2015.
The current figure of 25 billion dollars is currently on the agenda of National Agency for Studies and Monitoring of railway investments implementation (ANESRIF) is the prime contractor in this sector. The main projects are as follows:

 The modernization of the Northern Moroccan railway ring road, Annaba -Algiers-Oran, border of 1200 km;
 The modernization and creation of the new railway lines starting with the northern junction;
 The electrification of the current lines, including the northern bypass;
 The electrification of the suburban network of Algiers;
 The complete electrification of the Algerian network (expected by 2020);
 The modernization of 430 km of railway lines;
 The implementation of 391 km of new lines;
 The modernization of lines and stations for 1100 km;
 The doubling and rebuilding of more than 600 km of lines;
 The high speed rail implementation;
 The two North-South lines implementation.


Taking into consideration the current market data and the trends for the future in different sector, it follows from the above that the BTPH market is largely developing. The public works sector plays an important role in the government action at short and long term. It shall boost the recovery with a significant number of created jobs. Road and airport plans should lead to a consumption level of bitumen of approximately 1 million tons per year for the next five years.

Moreover, the fairs which have been held in Algeria in the last years, such as BATIMATEC; FIA; SITEP, SIEE, PMI, ect… offered the opportunity for investors in order to have a better perception of Algerian market and review its industrial potential and its opportunities, which would possibly offer in terms of alliances and partnership. These fairs have proven to be important events for entrepreneurs and foreign firms at international level.

The BATIMATEC 2015 is indeed an event that aims to introduce all the potentials of the construction industry which represents both in economic terms and evident results for all those who wonder what it might mean in terms of economic recovery and entrepreneurship. It would be a sector recovery of huge dimensions to such an extent that there will not be Algerian firms enough to meet these needs. It will be a benefit for foreign groups to show their skills.

The information on investment made to identify the level of investment in Algeria are reported below:

Distribution of the investment projects implemented in the period between 2002-2012

Algeria suddivisione progetti di investimento
Algeria progetti di investimento partenariati e investimento locale


Source: Bank of Algeria

Algeria evoluzione del tasso di cambio

The yearly average rate of the dinar has depreciated against the dollar by 2,36%. The yearly average exchange rate of the Algerian dinar against the US dollar is estimated to be at $ 79,3809 USD/DZD in 2013, 77,5519 USD / DZD in 2012. The yearly average exchange rate of dinar has depreciated against the euro by 3,21% in 2013 compared with 2012, increasing from 102,1627 EUR/DZD in 2012 to 105,4374 EUR/DZD in 2013.


The society is the lifeblood of all industrial development process of a country. Algerian government is currently aimed at providing the opportunities for the growth of modern and innovative enterprises, and development in international standards of excellence and competitiveness. The government focuses on stimulating the entrepreneurship, encouraging the project leaders and the innovators, operating on different levels towards this objective. The government is working methodically in order to eliminate all the development constraints for enterprises and investments.
The Algerian market is one of the most profitable in the large Eur-Afrique area. It offers good development prospects within 2030. The growth mainly derives from the national programme for housing with the aim of reducing the huge housing deficit that Algeria accumulated during the last decades and that has gradually been eliminating successfully.
BTPH, indeed, is the engine for economic growth and it is the backbone of the Algerian economy, the sectors of housing, constructions, public works and residences which keep showing a growth in comparison with other sectors.
The unprecedented involvement of the government in the country boost explains this growth. The positive tendency, therefore, will be maintained for years because, first of all, the requirements for social demand are still numerous and ever-changing.
Considering that the expressed national needs are around 250.000 unities per year, there is an urgent need of country modernization; therefore, other important construction projects are planned. The last housing programme is a significant example for ambition and size. Of course, in this field, it should be mentioned that there are no engineering, new techniques and technologies to face these challenges.
Moreover, apart from few big Algerian enterprises, the majority of the others cannot face this challenge. These big projects require the participation and the direct involvement of foreign partners, required to transfers powers and technologies. Finally, it should be mentioned that the construction industry has become the leading job provider in Algeria.
Besides the known strategic activities of the State, there are also the creation of new cities on the two motorways adjacent to the cities of Algiers and Blida. This opens new grounds to current depressed areas, which will be able to take the pressure off the big cities.
For this reason, we can add the development plan that is targeted to highlands and south Saharan areas population, especially through the building of new cities and the expansion of existing ones.
An important indicator provides information on the BTPH activity that is the sector of fair-trade. Trade show in this sector in Algeria, indeed, such as BATIMATEC, la FIA, la SITEP il SIEE, small and medium enterprises, BEST 5 ALGERIE, etc. in the last years have offered the opportunity for the investors to have a better perception of the Algerian market and to measure its industrial potential and the opportunity that the market has most likely to offer in terms of alliances and partnership. These events established themselves as key element of the profession on a global scale.
Looking closer at the achievements of the Algerian economy showed by different reports and analyses by national or foreign institutions, the constant peak of growth is evident, deriving from a considerable programme mainly in public investments and by significative efforts by the private sector.
The Algerian economy doesn’t just work on the sector of hydrocarbons, BTPH and others, but also services, such as agriculture, show their considerable dynamism. According to COFACE (, in Algeria the enterprises benefit from a bright and increasing economic context. This takes into consideration the internal demand force caused by the State projects and by the consumers expenditure increased sharply after the job creation which produces additional income for families.
The choice of moving to Algeria through joint ventures is a strategic step for SMEs and investment projects shareholders. 2015 begins with promising economic prospects. What can be more favourable for the entrepreneurs than a social-economic environment characterized by social party and an increase in great infrastructures projects?


Developing and keeping good relationships with Algerian people is possible, by understanding better their way of thinking.
- The organization for a business appointment is necessary for itself. The Algerian weekend is composed of Friday and Saturday. The office are open from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm.
- Arabic is the official language of Algeria. The national languages in Algeria are Arabic and Tamazight. French is used as technical and professional language;
- The paperwork in French is preferable only to those in English and Arabic. The use of images too close with the local costumes and traditions could cause stress, in the introduction (pig sausages, eroticism, etc.);
- To book your hotel, the capital offers a lot of great hotels. Quality hotels are completely booked in a short time during international events (conferences, trade shows and exhibitions …). It is better to book at home before leaving. International hotels provide a free shuttle service on advanced reservation. On the contrary, you should take into consideration a taxi or a car service;
- Avoid long road trips, at night, especially unescorted by Algerians. Avoid showing off an attitude of excessive luxury. The extremely friendly attitude showed by local people must not make us forget the basic precautions;
- In Algeria, the relationship dimension is very important. We have to take time to know the informal approach. It is, therefore, necessary to take into consideration this parameter to choose the programme. However, arriving on time to an appointment is a sign of respect for the person who has accorded with. Don’t let you be deceived by appearances, the way your interlocutor dresses or the small dimension of his enterprise should not be a reason of discrimination and could not reflect the real potentials.
- “Classical” clothes for men and “no provocative” for women are recommended. Don’t forget that your interlocutor is more familiar with your cultural context through media (satellite uplink, trips and internet) than you with his);
- Concentration, being available to their needs and priorities are recommended. Make sure that you have identified well your interlocutors; it is necessary that negotiators have the same level of responsibility and/or technical level;
- Algerian businessmen are often involved in different entrepreneurial activities and can show more business cards. The familiar dimension of Algerian enterprises can make these operators become good partners;
- The public and private sector have not the same way of trade functioning. The publishing procurement can be postponed or done in a short term. A sustainable partnership is often required. The support of legal advisory is essential to guarantee a rapid intervention within the required times;
- In Algeria, European product brand image is acknowledged. French are more facilitated in comparison with the other nationalities because of their cultural closeness, and quality of their products/services, know-how and technical assistance. Nevertheless, the competitors of all over the world are numerous and very competitive towards French.
- Although they are price-sensitive, Algerians are sensitive to consultancy and training support of post-sell. Your interlocutors could have a strong technical knowledge or a knowledge of small enterprise;
- In a market open recently, like Algeria one, there are business development opportunities. Your interlocutors sometimes could have as financing capacity as lack of preparation in their project;
- Credit cards have not been used yet, except in international hotels. Banks are currently installing electronic payment devices;
- Algerian post services are good enough. However, delivery time can be long. For important communications or sending money, choose the registered mail or courier services (Chronopost, UPS and DHL are available in Algeria);
- The period of Ramadan lasts one month. It is a fasting period and the restaurants are closed, except the international hotels, and all the shops close before and during the fasting period.
- Algerians prefer the personal contact. They like knowing their partners before giving confidence. A negotiation relationship will be more favourable at the end, after two or three preparatory meetings;
- Stay informed on the economic events in Algeria to make the trips more regular and keep contact; – In the framework of a partnership, Algerians give priority to an enterprise with a long-term presence on the territory. Algerian trading partner is often involved and is committed to ensure that the business relationship works. However, sometimes, there are some management slowness problems to be faced, that foreign partners have difficulty to understand and deal with them;
- The heaviness of the banking system tends to hinder and weaken the enterprises. The number of government reforms aimed at improving the financial system, is gradually improving the situation;

Vacation days and religious events:

1st January: New Eve;
8th March: International Women’s Day;
1st May: Labour Day;
5th July: Independence Day (5th July 1962);
1st November: Revolution anniversary (1954);
Dates of the religious vacations vary depending on the lunar calendar.

contact IBS by mail



Benin - Country Profile


Capital: Porto-Novo
Largest city: Cotonou
Official languages: French
Government: Presidential republic
Total area: 114,763 km2
Population: 10,872,298 (2016 estimation)
GDP: total $27.177 billion / per capita $2,297 (2017 estimation)
Currency: West African CFA franc

Economy composition

Agriculture accounts for a quarter of GDP and 51 percent of the country’s employment with cotton as its primary export commodity. The informal sector, including subsistence agriculture, contributes up to almost 60 percent of GDP and engages over 80 percent of the labor force. Diversification slowly advances led by the agriculture and service sectors. During the period 2010-2016, the primary sector contributed by 0.5 percent to the real GDP growth while the secondary and tertiary sectors accounted for around 1 percent and 2.2 percent respectively, shares that have changed little since 1990 for when data are first available.


The agricultural sector is highly dependent on rainfall patterns and, mostly, on one major commodity (cotton). Despite its low productivity, agriculture remains one of the main sources of growth and employment of the country. To further contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction, productivity should be considerably strengthened. Agricultural exports are concentrated on three groups of products: cotton, fruits (pineapple), and nuts (cashews) and oilseeds (soy and cottonseed). To address the needs of a growing urban population, the country continues to import a large share of horticultural products from neighboring countries (mostly, Burkina Faso and Nigeria), rice from Asia, wheat, frozen meat and milk from Europe, and frozen poultry from Brazil. The agricultural sector faces the triple challenges of diversifying exports, increasing food production, and sustainably increasing farm and post-harvest productivity. The share of the agricultural sector has declined across low-income countries over time but has remained elevated in Benin.


During the last decade, growth in Benin has been comparatively highly volatile and per capita GDP growth has been stagnating. Real economy rebounded to 4 percent in 2016 compared to 2015, where the growth rate slowed to 2.1 percent due to weak agriculture output generated by unfavorable weather and negative spillovers from Nigeria. From 2006 to 2016, real GDP growth averaged 4.2 percent driven mainly by the services. The fiscal deficit grew from -0.4 percent of GDP in 2012 to -6.2 percent of GDP in 2016. In addition, economic growth was not inclusive. Notwithstanding recent progress, Benin remains a low-income country with almost 11 million people and a per capita income of US $ 790 in 2015.

The rapid population growth—which averages 3.5 percent per year—led to a modest and unequal increase in household consumption. Indicators related to education, health, access to water, and infant mortality have improved in recent years but at a slow pace. Growth has been accompanied by a low level of job creation with widespread underemployment affecting especially women and the youth in urban areas. FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) is keeping its pace with sub-Saharan Africa countries (SSA) but more investment is needed. Comparing Benin to SSA countries presently, the share of the manufacturing and services sectors is ahead of most of them, reaching 75 percent of GDP.

Benin - Employment by sector

Benin Sectoral Employment by Gender

Export Diversification

Export diversification has not taken place. African benchmark countries diversified quite strongly after 1990 and have caught up to Asian benchmark countries. The number of export partners has increased on average, but the shares of the main export partners remain dominant.

Necessary Policies

Economic policies should focus on addressing weaknesses that hinder entry into new lines of economic activity. In particular, measures that could help improve productivity in the short run include:

• the large-scale adoption of improved agricultural technologies
• the development of productivity through efficient water management, reduction of post-harvest losses and better access to market through warehouses and other facilities
• the institutional support to the Ministry of Agriculture and other stakeholders in the sector
• a better access to financial services

Furthermore, measures to improve education could render significant impacts on the informal economy.

Financial inclusion and development

While access to finance is improving, relatively to other sub-Saharan countries, a number of reforms could foster financial inclusion and complement efforts to promote the expansion of the private sector and employment creation. Benin’s financial sector is shallow, segmented, and with limited financial inclusion. Three main categories operate in it: the banking sectors, the microfinance institutions and other non-bank financial institutions.

As of end-2016, there were 15 commercial banks, with 4 banks holding about 80 percent of credits to the banking system. Although the banking system remains stable, its depth has not improved. The banking sector is broadly sound but plays a limited role in financial inclusion. According to the BCEAO (Central Bank of West African States) 2010 estimations, there is a low level of access to banking service. More precisely, the number of deposit accounts in commercial banks relative to the active population is around 5 percent. Despite banks have developed branch networks in the country, only 17 percent of the population had a bank account in 2015. Access to finance is difficult for some vulnerable groups and for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The microfinance sector plays an important role in providing financing to both sectors of the economy and rural population that are underserved by banks. Despite the fact, that microfinance plays an increasing role in reducing poverty in Benin; it lacks to provide financing to small and medium enterprises, in particular, long term loans. The large number of unauthorized MFIs represents a high risk for the banking system, and requires a further tightening of licensing requirements. Although the number of bank branches has been recently increasing, in particular in rural areas, there is room to further expand financial inclusion by strengthening the regulatory framework.

Access to an account in Benin compares poorly with averages from low income countries. Male reported higher access than females and the level of education is also a factor determining access to an account.

Benin - Having an account

Benin’s financial sector provides limited contribution to private investment because the institutional framework discourages commercial banks from taking risks and because the cost of establishing bank branches in rural area is very high. Benin is performing relatively well regarding use of mobile banking holding around 5 percent of the total volume of mobile transactions in the WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union) region, but there is scope for further progress.

Benin - Volume of mobile transactions

Efficiency of public investment in Benin

Benin is projected to increase public investment volumes significantly to help close the region’s infrastructure gap. Benin is lagging behind SSA average in electricity supply, paved road density and telecommunication infrastructure. Benin has historically spent much less on public investments than its neighbors. Public investments as a proportion of the national budget were maintained at an average annual rate of 36.7 percent from 2010 to 2014 despite significant needs. The country performances regarding public investment appear weaker in comparison to similar countries. Although Benin’s public investment effort is above the WAEMU countries average, it has drastically decreased since 2010. Access to public infrastructure such as electricity or treated water has scarcely improved since the 1990’s. To close this gap, Benin is envisioning to significantly boost public capital expenditure in the medium term. In addition to the infrastructure gap, however, infrastructure is also perceived as being of low quality, and investment efficiency appears low. The most recent World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Competitiveness Indicators ranks Benin behind the SSA average.

Benin - indicators of Infrastructures quality


Benin faced a difficult macroeconomic situation characterized by two factors. Growth has slowed significantly and the public debt-to-GDP ratio reached 47 percent in 2016. At the same time, low tax revenues constrain the government’s ability to achieve social objectives. To address large macroeconomic imbalances Benin launched a reform in 2017 centered on domestic revenue mobilization. The reform sought to boost tax revenues through an increase in the VAT rate and cut non-priority spending to contain the accumulation of public debt. The reform reduces the income of the urban poor and income inequality in rural areas.


Benin’s solid macroeconomic performance did not translate in a meaningful reduction in poverty. Following a decade of mediocre economic performance, growth over the last 3 years (2013–15) averaged 5.2 percent, closing the gap with SSA average in per capita GDP growth. Despite the increase in real GDP per capita since 1987, the poverty rate in the country deteriorated in recent years. An overall estimate of poverty in Benin conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) shows that the percentage of population that lives in poverty conditions grew from 36.2 percent in 2011 to 40.1 percent in 2015. However, Benin’s level of development has remained virtually unchanged, as its Human Development Index has risen from 0.480 in 2015 to 0.485 in 2016 below the average of 0.523 for SSA countries.

Benin - Real GDP per Capita 1965 - 2016

Benin - Human Development Index 1980 - 2014

The country registers considerable decline in rights, being the seventh most deteriorated country on the continent. There is a concerning regression registered in freedom of expression, association and assembly. At the same time, Benin is the eighth most improved country in Education (+10.6) on the continent, especially in primary education.

References from the International Monetary Fund:

Dabla-Norris, Era, Giang Ho, Kalpana Kochhar, Annette Kyobe, and Robert Tchaidze, 2013, “Anchoring Growth: The Importance of Productivity-Enhancing Reforms in Emerging Market and Developing Economies”. IMF SDN/13/08.
Dabla-Norris, Era, Jim Brumby, Annette Kyobe, Zac Mills, and Chris Papageorgiou, 2011, “Investing in Public Investment Efficiency”. IMF Working Paper 11/97.
Dominguez-Torres, Carolina and Vivien Foster, 2011, Benin’s Infrastructure—A Continental Perspective. Policy Research Working Paper 5689. The World Bank. June Henn, Christian, Chris Papageorgiou, and Nikola Spatafora, 2013,” Export Quality in Developing Countries,” IMF Working Paper 13/108.
IMF, 2014a, “Sustaining Long-Run Growth and Macroeconomic Stability in Low-Income Countries—The Role of Structural Transformation and Diversification.” IMF Policy Paper, March.
Imbs, Jean, and Romain Wacziarg. 2003. “Stages of Diversification.” American Economic Review, 93(1): 63-86.
Medina, Leandro; Andrew W Jonelis, and Mehmet Cangul, 2017, “The Informal Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Size and Determinants,” Working Paper No. 17/156 Papageorgiou, Chris, Fidel Perez-Sebastian, and Nicola Spatafora, 2013, Structural Change through Diversication: A Conceptual Framework. International Monetary Fund. March.
Regional Economic Outlook, 2015, African Department. International Monetary Fund. April.
Maria Albino-War, Svetlana Cerovic, Francesco Grigoli, Juan Carlos Flores, Javier Kapsoli, Haonan Qu, Yahia Said, Bahrom Shukurov, Martin Sommer, and SeokHyun Yoon, 2014, Making the Most of Public Investment in MENA and CCA Oil-Exporting Countries. International Monetary Fund, November.
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Medina, Leandro, Andrew Jonelis, and Mehmet Cangul, 20917, The Informal Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Size and Determinants, International Monetary Fund. WP/17/156 Tang, Xin, A Tutorial of the Toolkit for Solving a Multisector Heterogeneous Agents General Equilibrium Model, August. Manuscript.
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- IMF International Monetary Fund
- Benin Wikipedia
- Benin official Government website

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Bolivia, the Economical Miracle of Latino America, The case of Bolivia

Bolivia economic miracle

Bolivia, the Economical Miracle of Latino America, The case of Bolivia

Author: Diego Caballero Vélez
November 2014

When the last 12th October, the President Morales was reelected for the third time consecutive, Bolivia said “yes” to the miraculous process of changing that the country is experimenting from some years ago.
It is difficult to talk about “economical miracles” in these times, where the major Western powers are suffering the most critical economic crisis in years, where multinationals hesitate in carrying out actions abroad having fear about the bad economic situation of many countries, where the inflation in lots of biggest European powers has reached incredible figures, in these times is difficult to talk about miracles.

While the richest and most powerful countries are the most ones in suffering the economic crisis, we find in Latino America some economic growths deserving of admiration by west. Thanks to this, many companies are fixing his eyes on this continent to import and establish new commercial relationships, thing that was inconceivable few years ago because of the low level of economic growth that these countries had.

An example of these incredible Latino American economic growths is Bolivia, that being one of the poorest countries in Latino America has become, according to IMF, in the country with the major economic growth in South America and the second one in Latino America after Panama. But, how is it possible that a country where in 2005 the extreme poverty exceeded 39 % it has been reduced to 21%? Becoming in one of the Latino American countries that lead lists about less risk of extreme poverty for the future.

We find the answer in a series of economic policies applied by the political cabinet of Morales since his arrival to the presidency.

One of the fundamental keys to economic success of Morales policy has been the combination of a social policy with a market economy policy. Bolivians have made the natural resources their own that have been ceded to the transnationals so the most part of profits used to go abroad.

With this, Bolivia has the total control of natural resources that make the profits his own applying a market policy, and ensuring the participation of foreign private enterprise and cooperatives under a state control, as well as, developing social policies to reduce the social differences. In other words, the economy is nationalized and recuperated to do a more fair social policy, as well as to make hollow to the transnational companies.

Speculations about this country by transnational companies are reducing because Morales policy safeguards them with judicial security and formal taxation norms provoking that Bolivia was a focus of attention for lots of big companies.

In a country where in 2013 the GDP grew to 6.8% and, according to the IMF, between 2014 and 2015 exceed 5% with lower inflation to 6%, where in less than 5 years has become from being a debt country to a creditor country, where 10% of the population is out of extreme poverty and the unemployment rate (3.2%), is the lowest one in Latin America, the Finance Minister of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, sums up: “good economic policy can reach a welfare state, is the way in which things are done to reach the goal of creating a greater social stability”.

Surely, an economic miracle performed by a socialist government that has provoked the admiration of the major new liberal economics.


- Ramonet, I.” Bolivia está cambiando”. Le Monde Diplomatique en español, nº 228, November 2014.
- Interview of Juan Carlos Zambrana Marchetti to Luis Arce Catacora, Finance Minister of Bolivia.



Brasile e Infrastrutture


The following country profile underlines Brazil traditional aspects and it has been realised thanks to International Monetary Fund information.


Subsidies for Brazil infrastructures are lower than international standards, as well as the low quality of productivity, market efficiency and competitiveness. In order to increase the economic strength and boost growth, it is necessary to increase investments in infrastructures.



The zones in which Brazil competitiveness has decreased are, (but there are also other zones) education, innovation, governance and judiciary. Inadequate infrastructures do not allow to improve the insufficient productivity, stagnant exports, insufficient integration in the domestic market and the weak growth potential. The market segmentation due to the difference between relative prices can have important social and macroeconomic involvements. The incomes inequality can increase according to the market segmentation, for example for rural zones producers with a low income which are negatively influenced by difficulties in access to mass consumption markets. Several years of insufficient investments in infrastructures have contributed to decrease the potential growth.

Shed lights on infrastructures lacks to underline the increasing need bigger of investments in infrastructures

Investments in infrastructures are often seen as a strategy to promote domestic integration and exporters competitiveness. Following this logic, first we have to look at how infrastructures affect the domestic integration, analysing prices convergence in the main cities. After, using qualitative and quantitative indicators it will be possible to see in detail infrastructure lacks in every sector compared to current income levels in Brazil, infrastructures levels and Brazil competitors level in its export markets.
Subsequently, it will be documented the past infrastructure investment trends in Brazil and we will describe the body grant programme according to the most compelling infrastructure needs. In closing, we will talk about policies that may contribute to fill the infrastructure gap.

How much is Brazil integrated?


International data, using empirical approaches and considering CPI data, have shown few periods of price convergence halving in other countries. For China, the average convergence period between 1993 and 2003 (Li and Hung, 2006) was 2.4 months, for Canada between 1978 and 1994 was 5 months (Fan and Wei, 2006). Results for both countries show that more than 90% of shocking prices will disappear within 18 months, very faster than Brazil.

Brazil - Path of Price Convergence, Response Functions



Brazil ranked 120th on 144 countries examined by the World Economic Forum in 2014 for the overall quality of infrastructures. It had very low quality level in the transport sector and the third sector was worse than those of other countries examined. Brazil results were low in the last 10 years and they have worsen in the last 5 years. However in order to make a better comparison we chose some Brazil infrastructure benchmark and those of its main competitors for the export.

Brazil - Infrastructure Quality Indicators
Brazil - Infrastructure Quality Indicators 2

Brazil infrastructure overall quality is lower than almost everyone of its export competitors

Brazil levels of physical capital adequacy in every infrastructure of transport sector (roads, ports, railways and airplanes) are considerably lower than those of its main export competitors. Only electricity and telecommunications sectors have a better quality than some of its competitors. In this sectors Brazil has invested in the same way even more efficiently in the last years through a greater participation in the private sector. Yet, according to the Enterprise Survey 2010 by the World Bank electricity have been one of the main problems for 46% of Brazil companies (38% LAC) and 28% believes that transports are an important problem (23% LAC).

Energy indicators are less negative

Since 1980 electricity production and per capita consumption have more than doubled and the access to electricity is almost universal. However electricity transmission and distribution losses have increased and now they have exceeded 15% of electricity production.

Brazil - Electric power transmission and distribution losses

Infrastructure lacks In the transport system emphasize when qualitative and quantitative are indicators are connected to the totality of brazil means of transport

Brazil competitors rely more on railways for goods transport which is more suitable for greater goods amount and for prime materials with a low additional value. In Brazil, 60% of farming products are transported on roads and highways while the majority of iron is transported on railways (Credit Suisse 2013). Transport system is a problem for Brazil exports and competitiveness because of the quality of its roads.

Brazil - share of Good Transport

Airports and ports are limited and they have to be improved

In 2013 only Santos Port (Sao Paulo) was in the top 100 world’s ports at the 42 nd position, thanks to a 6.2% increase of throughput in 2012 (International Containerisation). Anecdotal evidence of problems in Brazil ports can easily be found, for example: according to Credit Suisse “There are 10 miles queue of lorries outside ports waiting to unload crops and 200 ships waiting to load goods”.
Yet, part of the increasing infrastructure gap is probably due to an inadequate maintenance and to an increased use, but the main cause is the extended period of inadequate investments compared with other countries.

Brazil infrastructure quality is below the average of countries with a similar GDP

In the period 2005-2010 the overall score of Brazil infrastructure have been lower than an average made by selecting countries according to their GDP per capita (PPP 2.005 $).
Among Brazil export competitors, only Argentina average was higher but the final result hides differences in every sector.
Brazil electricity supply and infrastructures have a high result. On the contrary, roads, railways, airport and ports quality is below the average. Roads and airports have the biggest problems.

Brazil - Infrastructure Quality and Income

Infrastructure investments trend

Infrastructure botttlenecks abovementioned are due to an extended period of scarce investments in infrastructures

In the early eighties, investments in infrastructures in Brazil have considerably decreased from an average of 5.2% of the GDP to 2% in the last two decades and slightly increased of 2% in 2013.
goods and data of standard infrastructure investments, for a comparison are not available, many data source confirm that for two decades investments in infrastructures haven’t been as adequate as those of Latin America and new emerging countries Chile, China and India ( Calderon and Serven, 2010; Frieschtak, 2013). Moreover there are many difference in investments in each sector. In particular, electricity and telecommunications sectors represent the biggest part of Brazil investments, especially because of private sector participation in the framework of granting concessions. On the contrary, Chile has invested more in roads, water distribution and supply and hygiene services.

Brazil - infrastructure Investment 1
Brazil - infrastructure Investment Average

The decrease of investments it is due to an investments decrease in public infrastructures

1988 Constitution has decreased the federal funds pools available for capital expenditure, because it has replaced sector specific federal taxes for energy, transport, telecommunications with non specific national-level taxes. It has also increased transfer to subnational governments, and it has used money for current public expenditures.
From 1999 the efforts for public accounts recovery has decreased the available fiscal space for public investments due to balance rigidity and current obligatory public expenditure.
As a consequence, since that period public expenditures allocated for infrastructure investments have always been inadequate, despite of initiatives in order to give priority to infrastructure investments. such as the Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) started in 2007 by the federal government in order to boost the economy growth.
Currently almost 75% of the overall investments for public administrations is made at subnational level.

Meanwhile, private sector investments have filled the space left by the public sector

In the nineties, privatizations and grants have opened to private investments in key sectors such as telecommunications, energy and transport but private investments haven’t been sufficient to compensate for public investment lacks. Private participation in Brazil infrastructure sector have been lower than other Latin America countries, especially compared with Chile, giving relevance to the fact that investments in environment, included investment opportunities and regulatory and institutional frameworks, have a key role in determining investment levels in overall infrastructures, so they give the possibility to face infrastructure lacks.

Grants program role

Brazil aims to obtain grants in order to delete infrastructure lacks

Grants can bring competences and efficiency in private sector and also bypass some of the public investments challenges (such as contractor obstacles) boosting the investment process.
At the end of ninenties in Brazil there have started a first period of grants. Through privatizations, private sector become the main operator in energy, transports, railways and telecommunications sectors.
There have been grants for 5.000 km of federal roads. It is important to underline that this investments through grants in telecommunications and electricity have contributed to delete the infrastructure lacks and have improved Brazil rank in this areas, as mentioned before.

the current period of grants has started some years ago and it is focused on projects for infrastructure sectors in a critical situation, such as roads, ports and airports

During the period 2011-2014 there have been auctions for grants in the transport and energy sectors, with a total investment of around 183.4 billion R$, divided between airports (R$ 35,8 billion), ports (R$ 8,4 billion), roads (R$ 29.2 billion), urban transport (R$ 6,9 billion), energy production and supply (R$ 96,7 billion) and telecommunications (R $ 6,4 billion). Federal government plans include transport system projects ( roads, railways and ports) energy production and supply, urban transports and telecommunications with a total investment of R$ 109 billion (Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico, 2015). The grant period is between 20 to 35 years and the majority of infrastructure investments will take place in the first five years. It is foreseen that past and future grants will be 3 / 4% of the GDP of infrastructure investments per year in the period 2011-2017.
Offer delays and changes in contracts could decrease investments in the future. The infrastructure grant program could be affected by Petrobras corruption as well as many of the main construction companies. These companies could have a decreased accession to financing.

Fill the gap

The Brazil infrastructure gap affects the growth

In the last years, Brazil economy situation and its competitiveness have suffered from problems with the complex fiscal system, administration obstacles, judicial and bureaucracy inefficiencies, the inadequate regulatory framework, called “custo Brasil”.
Infrastructure bottlenecks are not considered part of this “soft” burden, because of the capacity of attract companies, which is one of the biggest restrictions to the increase of the potential growth.
Infrastructures are not suitable for the current revenue levels, to support regional integration and to make Brazil more competitive than its competitors for the main export products.

In order to fill the gap there will be necessary an increase in investments but also the intensification of other reforms

In the last ten years, the infrastructure gap has increased because of scarce public investments and stagnant private investments in every sector. The government grant program can intensify and boost infrastructure investments but it couldn’t be enough to considerably boost potential growth. Other reforms to delete “soft” bottlenecks, included reforms to improve governance standards, will have to support efforts to fill the infrastructure gap to make the business framework more attractive for foreign and national investments. Moreover the regional competitiveness must be intensified to attract investments.


International Monetary Fund


- Translation and arrangments by Lleana Bonfardeci
- Translation by Matteo Gaipa

Brazil economy is slowing down

Brazil economy is slowing down



Author: Elisa Mariani
Translated by: Lorenzo Giusepponi
September 2016

During the last decades, thanks to the policies adopted in order to maintain institutional balance and face the excessive increase of inflation rate registered in the 1990s, Brazil has become one of the major emerging countries and a favorite destination for foreign investments.

Its economic growth has also been eased by the country’s entry in Mercosur, South America common market, founded in 1991, whose member states are Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina and Venezuela.
Thanks to this organization, the free movement of goods and services has been possible and the purchasing power of member states in relation to non members has been strengthened.
In the Mercosur founding treaty, signed in Asunción, the member states agreed to respect the environment, human rights, democracy and the fight against poverty, as a demonstration of a significant ethic commitment.

In addition, the country stood out as a highly appealing power for its industrial development, above all in the oil, infrastructures, tourism, renewable energies, convenience goods, chemical and cosmetics sectors.

Brazil main row materials are coffee, cotton, grain, sugar and nickel. The mainstay of Brazilian economy is manufacturing, representing 70% of exportations. The service sector is the most important as it accounts for 38.5% of production, followed by industry at 31.9% and agriculture at 29.6%.

In Brazil, which is a developed country, wealth is not well distributed among the population, with consequent large economic and social inequalities that affect the major part of the population. Current unemployment rate is at 11.3% against 7.4% of July 2012, a fact that should be taken into consideration together with the 4 million people demographic increase registered in the last four years.

At the same time Brazil is important at international level because of its membership to the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), economically emerging countries which have seen different development processes. The Brazilian economic boom took place from 2001 onwards, when the index of revenue concentration, which on average was between 0.23 and 0.45, reached 0.553, one of the highest ever registered at global level.

Also, in 2001 Brazil middle class saw an increase of 30 million people, which shows the prosperity of that period. However, during the last years Brazil economy has seen a gradual downturn as data about Purchasing Power Parity GDP demonstrate. In fact, in 1978 Brazil GDP was at 12.1%, not much below China’s (12.9%), but in 2013 the difference between the two countries significantly broadened with a 12.6% GDP for Brazil against China 90.1% GDP.

Such economic stall is mainly caused by four factors: the high lending interest rate, which is around 10%, the fluctuation in the price of raw materials, insufficient investments in the Research & Development sector and the policies carried on by Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff administrations that aimed to keep stability and that turned out to be generally unsuccessful.

Politicians have thought that the solution to the problem of economic growth was to encourage the demand, ignoring the possibility of betting in investments to help the country. However, there are also positive data given by the press agency Agencia Brasil, which has registered an increase of 20 million people in the highest consumption level, a first step in the growth of domestic demand.

So, in spite of showing a downturn in economic growth, Brazil is still a highly appealing country for its business opportunities.

Source: “Brasile: l’attrattività nonostante il rallentamento economico” (Brazil: still appealing despite economic downturn)



Brexit EU Domino Effect ?

Brexit EU futuro Unione Europea


Author : Giulia Turchetti
Translated by : Matteo Aristei
November 2017

” Brexit ” is a watershed event of an essential importance in the contemporary history, it is intended to change the fate of Member States of the European Union and not only . The word Brexit is a neologism that comes from english, it indicates Great Britain ‘ s exit from the economical and political union, that was established after the Second World War .

This union has guaranteed peace, stability and prosperity to many generations for over half century . Indeed, the European Union, whose name was established in 1993 in the Maastricht Treaty with the aim of making the union stronger and more connected with people of Europe, is not just a simple association of 28 countries ( such as Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany and Italy ) because it guarantees essential freedom, for example the one enshrined in the Schengen Agreement, in which european citizens have free movement from a country to another ; it commits itself to protect human rights such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality and rule of law in accordance with the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 ; European Union won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 promoting important rights, including reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe .

In history, Great Britain ‘ s entry in the European Economic Community ( EEC ) is from 1973 and it was lucky because at the time its gross domestic product ( GDP ) was below the european average . Nevertheless, the outcome of the referendum on 23 rd June 2016 in Great Britain expressed the will of a final closure towards an institution that it has never been attached to, and it follows from the failure to join the Euro from the Country .

According to british euro – sceptics, the exit from European Union would allow the Island to have a better control on the immigration, and most of all to be free from european bureaucracies and taxation . Of course, the first Brexit ‘ s result was David Cameron ‘ s resignation, now ex premier, he was leader of the Conservative Party and he tried until the very last to convince voters to vote for Remain ( people who wanted to remain within EU ). Great Britain was an important country for Europe and, on the other hand, be part of EU allowed the Island to be not isolated from important economical and geopolitical decisions .

But in the light of the victory of Leave ( people who didn’t want to remain within the EU ) with the 51,9 % of votes, this situation has radically changed . People of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be considered as non-EU after the effective exit from EU, not to mention some moods that the New Government have to deal with . This decision was made in the United Kingdom, but it fragments the Country’s population, and it concerns all the citizens of the European Union as well .

It won’t be easier for young people to go to work in Great Britain at this point, even if they just want to learn english . British Government’s restriction is putting an end to freedom of movement of european immigrants who are looking for work, except they have specific qualifications, using the ” Cherry picking ” tactic : it means use only the best of what is offered to United Kingdom from European Union .

Furthermore, family reunification will be limited after the end of the process of London’s exit from EU ( on 29 March 2019 ). The country intends to regain a fully – fledged sovereignty on the control of its borders . The fate will also change for european tourists who are going to stay for a short period in United Kingdom : identity cards will be no longer enough, but passport will be needed . However, now in over one year from the Referendum which was called by Cameron with the aim of reaffirming the United Kingdom’s stay in the European Union and which brought completely unexpected results, the fate of Great Britain is still uncertain and it has to be determined .

United Kingdom’s exit from EU should formally take place on March 2019, but before then there are a lot of hard problems to solve . Indeed, one of those concerns the bill that United Kingdom have to pay to European Union . This amounts to a figure between 60 and 100 billion of euro . The british premier Theresa May, who was elected after Cameron’s resignation, asks to this end for a post-Brexit transitional period in order to honour the economical commitments towards Europe .

However, Theresa May’s contradictions reveal signs of uncertainty, not only for Great Britain’s future, but also for the future of the premier itself . As a result there is ever more criticism against her in order to challenge and remove her . Although many people think that United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union doesn’t represent the Union’s end, there is ever more a domino effect in many other countries, and it is likely to sign an inevitable fate for EU . Therefore, euro-sceptics of Europe come together, and between the Country which have claimed a Referendum copying Brexit’s phenomenon, there are France with the support of Marine Le Pen at Front National for Frexit ( France ’ s exit ), Germany with Beatrix von Storch, leader of AfD party ( Alternative for Germany ), for Germany ’ s exit , Netherlands with Wilders who is favourable for Nexit ( Netherlands ’ exit ).

This situation constitutes a real wake – up call, especially because british people ’ s vote in favour of United Kingdom ’ s exit from EU is the historical event more important that the European continent has ever seen since the fall of the Berlin Wall . As it appears now, the affair has a twofold significance : on one hand, it is of course a freedom demonstration of people who claim his right to decide for itself ; on the other hand, euro – sceptics nationalists are growing, and this constitutes a threat that Europe has to consider for the future .


- esteri/brexit-effetto-domino-i-paesi-che-vorrebbero-il-referendum/





Author : Lorenzo Giusepponi
November 2017

On June 23, 2016, a slight majority of the British electorate ( 51.9 percent ) – going against the predictions of pollsters and politicians – voted to leave the European Union. As soon as the referendum result emerged, the pound started wilting. David Cameron resigned and his colleague Theresa May became prime minister. While panic was spreading, the Bank of England was forced to take action in order to stabilize the situation with promises of liquidity for the banking system. As things stand, the UK will leave the EU on March 29, 2019. So, one year after Brexit, what has the effect actually been, up to now, on the economy ?

The broader economy

During the night of the decision, the pound suffered its biggest one-day downturn against the dollar, hitting the lowest in 31 years. Today, one pound is the equivalent of $ 1.33. However, exporters are currently benefiting from a weaker pound and no change to tariffs to the EU.

brexit sterling plummets

The deal that the British government will manage to make in the near future may affect the country’s economy. The devaluation is a benefit for British exporters, but this implies an increase in the cost of imports, which is the reason inflation is now rising faster than workers’ salaries, leading to a reduction of living standards. Business investment has also suffered since the referendum, as firms are uncertain about the UK ’s future trade agreements with the EU and the threat of tariffs and customs barriers.

British consumers proved unexpectedly resilient after the referendum, such resilience allowed the GDP to grow, avoiding a recession. The economy actually grew by 0.7 percent in the last quarter of 2017. Yet, since the turn of the year, there have been distinct signs of shoppers discouragement as inflation is increasing, reaching 2.9 percent in May. Retail sales, a very important component of consumption, decreased by 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2017.

Banking and financial services

Richard Gnodde, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs European branch, said that the American bank, which currently employs around 6,000 people in London, would relocate hundreds of staff out of the city even before any deal is made, as part of his contingency plan. Others have already taken more drastic actions. Transferwise, one of the biggest European fintech firms, said that it will move its European headquarters from London to continental Europe by March 2019 with the aim of keeping access to the single market.

Auto industry

The car industry is often highly exposed, because of its integrated EU supply chains and its dependence on foreign workers, therefore it is considered one of the sectors most vulnerable to an exit from the single market. Britain moving to a World Trade Organization tariffs regime could lead to the introduction of a 10 percent tariff on finished vehicles. In March, a study carried out by PA Consulting demonstrated that if manufacturers pass these costs directly on to customers – and taking into consideration all the steps of production – the price of a new vehicle could soar by £ 2,372 per car.

Construction and manufacturing

Like the auto industry, the construction and manufacturing sectors stand to lose a lot, especially if Brexit limits the free movement of labour. In a report published in March, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors stated that almost 200,000 jobs in these sectors could be lost if Britain is denied access to the European single market. The British Chambers of Commerce and the Confederation of British Industry have starkly warned about the potential effect of Brexit on certain industries. Around 117,000 EU citizens left the UK in 2016, an increase of 31,000 compared to 2015 and the highest estimate ever observed since 2009.

Food and beverage

More than half of the food eaten in the UK is imported, which means that the post-Brexit devaluation of the pound has been squeezing the food and beverage industries. Costs have been increasing for suppliers and that is being passed on to consumers, while supermarkets aim to keep prices as low as possible to protect profits.

What people in the UK think about Brexit

Joe Twyman from pollsters YouGov says that in general, people haven’t changed their mind from how they voted last year. A curious fact is that 26 % of the population that voted Remain believe the UK should go ahead with Brexit, because the majority voted favorably, he affirms. However, he adds that the political situation is “very fluid”, and depending on how the negotiations go, such opinions may easily change.

The negotiations between the UK and the EU

Negotiations between the UK and Europe have already got underway and will proceed for most of the next decade. Britain may achieve a “ partially attached ” status, like Norway and Switzerland, or negotiate a unique agreement, but few policies are likely to change, and those that do will favor Europe, not the UK. These predictions stem from an analysis of two important factors that, according to political scientists, affect global economic and political issues : interdependence and influence.

The European Union is built around a single market with shared regulations. Other policies, such as the Euro, collective defense, the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour within the Schengen zone, homeland security and external immigration are optional. British leaders are tempted to select policies, keeping only those they agree with. The UK has proposed to take back the control of fisheries, agriculture, foreign trade and especially immigration policies, where it feels disadvantaged. Europe, naturally, will not let Britain treat such policies as optional. So, the first reason Brexit is unlikely to generate further political changes is that, although the UK has refused most EU policies for a long time, it is deeply connected to Europe on those it adopted. Britain needs the European Union’s liberal rules because it benefits from them: It needs European countries to ensure access for its exporters, service providers and educated people. Britain is unlikely to extract many concessions from a far larger Europe on which it is asymmetrically dependent. Almost half of British exports go to Europe : They account for 13 percent of British GDP, while European exports to Britain only account for 4 percent of European GDP . Secondly, the rapid ratification of trade agreements with non-European countries to strengthen the British bargaining power, suggested by some conservatives, would be rather ineffective, as these trade agreements generally take a decade or more to be negotiated, and Britain alone is so weak that it is unlikely to wield more influence on the United States or China than on the European Union .

brexit export of goods Britain and EU

Britain is in a difficult negotiating position: Its economy and security are too deeply related with Europe and its global bargaining power too limited. In theory, Britain could carry out its threat to leave the European Union, but in practice, more will remain the same than will change.

